Act III: Scene i

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It was the last show until he would have to fly back out to California to continue the tour there. It was now mid-June, yet only a little less than a week had passed since he had headed out. He had thought of Kay now and then, but, somehow, he thought she must be alright. Kay and the boys were fine.

Tom stood backstage, cigarette in mouth. For some crazy reason, Stan had given security permission to invite a few fans backstage, and Stan himself was chatting with one of them. A second fan was looking at Tom hopefully, but he had little interest in any romance. Still, he walked over.


The fan blushed. "H-hi. You guys were great!" She was beaming from ear to ear.

"Thank you." Tom smiled.

"Yeah - I mean, you are welcome." She giggled.

Tom nodded and stubbed out his cigarette.

Ron walked over. "How great were we?" he joked.

"Oh - oh - very great!" The fan blushed furiously.

Stan had his arm around the first fan, and he had a smudge of lipstick on his cheek. "Uh...I'm going to go get dinner with Auburn, here..." Auburn giggled.

"Alright, cool. Be back to the hotel by tomorrow - or whenever," Tom said indifferently, and off they went.

Auburn's friend lingered a bit awkwardly backstage. "Could - ?" She shook her head, her face burning a bright red.

"I beg your pardon?" Tom asked.

"Could I have your autographs?"

Tom smiled. "Sure, sure." He signed the photograph in her hand and handed it back.

"Thank you so much," she told him. She hugged him then left.

Ron whistled in a low tone. "Kay's not going to be happy if she saw that."

Tom rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. She was just a fan."

Ron snorted. "And Auburn and Stan are totally just having dinner right now."

"What's gotten into you, Ron?" Tom got himself a second cigarette and waited with an eyebrow raised in the older man's direction.

"Nothing. I am just worn out, already...this tour has hardly started and already -" Ron shrugged as if that completed the end of his sentence.

Tom chuckled.

Mike yawned. "I's time to go."

Benmont blinked. "Are you tired already?"

Tom nodded. "Yeah, it's probably best. Are you ready, Ron?"


The drive to the hotel was short. Inside, Tom stumbled into one of the beds, undressed and glanced at the wall. For a few days, the doubt and fear had left his mind, and he had been at a near peace. Then, it had returned, without warning and reason. And here he was, eyes focused on the wall, trying to stop his thoughts from wondering even as he knew it would be best to just let it happen.

What if she is with some other man? Then what? What do I do? What if she isn't? I shouldn't accuse her of such a thing...but...but what? It could very well happen...God, no. It shouldn't, but it could...I haven't even touched another girl. Why am I worrying about Kay? She is fine, completely alright. If I called her right now, she would answer. But I am not going to because she is fine. Fine and alright. She is fine fine fine. She is not with some other man. But what if she is? What do I do then? No, she wouldn't - but she could. But she is not. Kay is fine.

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