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Carl's POV

She pulled away from me and began shaking violently. I shook her shoulders lightly in a vain attempt to bring her to. She whispered my name over and over again, as if she were begging me to help her. I rambled on to her, saying her name and telling her to stay with me. Her face was covered by her hair which had stuck to her forehead, likely from sweat. I pulled away even further and lifted her chin to look at me.

She was a mess, to say the least.

She was paler than snow, her eyes were bloodshot, beads of sweat covered her features, and, the most prominent thing on her face, the blood trickling from her nose.

"Chloe? Chloe!" I called worriedly. I heard Negan calling the same thing from the street, and before I knew it, her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she passed out cold in my arms. I tilted my head and rested my ear on her chest. Thankfully, she was breathing and her heart was beating. Rapidly, yes, but beating none the less.

Chloe's POV

I wandered through the streets of Alexandria aimlessly. I had no goal, no destination, I just wanted to think. I followed the road and eventually reached a group of saviors and Alexandrians crowded around a pool table.

Next to the pool table was my dad, and a lifeless corpse beside him. I gasped and threw a hand to my mouth in a feeble attempt to muffle the sobs now erupting from my mouth and shaking my entire body.

He then pulled out a handgun and fired a bullet in Olivia's direction.

"No!" I yelled, and desperately reached my hand out.

The bullet stopped midair and everybody ceased movement. Time was frozen in place, yet I was the only exception. I was still able to move around freely. I walked over to the bullet still floating in the air. I observed it intently, and reached my hand out to touch it.

I threw my hand back as soon as it made contact. The bullet burned my hand, was though it had just been fired. Time really was frozen.

I looked over to a terrified yet oblivious Olivia. She was stood on the porch beside Carl and... Me.

A terrified version of me. When I looked at her, though, I didn't see the me I knew. I didn't see a scared little girl who bowed down to her father. No, I saw someone who was their own person, who didn't carry with them the weight of their father's crimes.

Although she looked strong, she looked broken. Drained. Alone.

But she wasn't.

Carl was at her side, looking at her, though she did not notice. Amidst the chaos, he didn't bother to look to his people for reassurance. No, he looked at her instead. His eyes, though stern, were full of worry for the girl he barely knew, yet saved his life at her own expense.

I looked on in confusion. I approached the porch slowly and stood in front of Carl. This was a side of him I had never seen; he looked honestly scared, even more so than in the woods. I slowly reached my hand out to touch his face. As soon as my skin made contact with his, he disappeared into thin air.

"Don't." A familiar yet distant voice said. I turned back to the street and saw a figure, of someone I knew and loved, of someone I never thought I would see again.

"Mom..?" I gasped. Her face was blank with a sad look in her eyes.

"You get too close to them..." She started, gesturing to the Alexandrians near me. "They disappear. You need to learn that, Chloe. Soon."

"Mom..." I whimpered. The fact that she was stood there in front of me was taking a lot for my brain to process.

"Chloe, you can stop this. You can stop him. You have a choice here. Make it."

"What... How? What choice do I have?"

"That." She pointed to the bullet in midair. "You know where it's going. Its up to you if it gets there."

"How... How can I stop it?"

"You know how."

And she was right. I did. I knew that I had a choice, and I knew what it was. I had to decide.

Let Olivia take the bullet and feel guilty for the rest of my life?

Or take the bullet myself? Jump in front of my dad's gun and let myself die. Let myself die a hero.

But if I did so, he'd just shoot someone else, maybe several people, out of anger. So... Would I have to... Would I have to kill him myself, to save the Alexandrians?

Wait, why would I do that? Why would I kill myself and my father to save a group of strangers?

"Because you're a good person." My mom said knowingly. "Because you're not like him, not the way he is now. Because you care about them."

"How did you..."

"I know you, Chloe. Better than you know yourself. And I know that you know the right thing to do. And I know that you're gonna do it. When the time comes... You'll do the right thing. I know you will."

"Mom, wait!" I yelled as she began to disappear.

I looked around, and things began to start moving again. Namely, the bullet. It picked up it's pace very slowly and made it's way towards Olivia.

I knew this was it. I had a choice to make, and not long to make it.

The bullet quickened its pace and slowly made its way towards Olivia.

I woke up gasping for air in the infirmary.  I looked over to my side and saw my dad asleep in the chair beside the bed. He jumped awake as soon as heard me, and had a face of pure concern.

"Chlo..." He whispered as he stood and crouched beside me. He took my hand in his and wiped the hair from my face. "You okay?"

"What... What happened?"

"Doctor said it looked like a panic attack. You feel okay?"

"Really? You just killed an innocent woman right in front of me, how the fuck do you think I feel?" I yelled.

"Language!" He yelled just as loud.

"Whatever." I scoffed, and pulled my hand out of his grip, before turning onto my side.

Maybe One Day [[Negan's Daughter x Carl Grimes]] «COMPLETED»Where stories live. Discover now