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"Boy, do I have a feeling we're getting close." He began walking around, almost circling the group before us.

They didn't look dangerous.

These were the people who killed our people? Who took out an entire outpost? Dad was right, there was a kid, well, a guy about my age, and a woman who looked to be on the verge of death.

These people were dangerous?

"Yup. Gonna be pee pee pants city here real soon." He stopped walking, and started pointing at everyone. "Which one of you pricks is the leader?"

When no one answered, Simon answered for them.

"Its this one." He gestured to a middle aged man, with medium length dark curly hair and a growing yet trimmed beard, wearing a brown coat with a fur collar. "This is the guy."

Dad took a few steps towards him so he was standing directly above him.

"Hi. You're Rick, right? I'm Negan. And that-" He pointed to me, who was still hanging around the RV like an idiot. "-is Chloe. And we do not appreciate you killing our men. Also when I sent our people to kill your people for killing our people, you killed more of our people. Not cool. Not cool. You have no idea how not cool that shit is. But, I think you're gonna be up to speed shortly." His voice then quietened and darkened. "Yeah. You are so gonna regret crossing us in a few minutes. Yes you are."

He then continued on a little, talking about how you don't mess with the new world order, and how its idiot proof.

"Chlo." His voice called. My eyes darted up to meet his. "Why don't you explain to these lovely people what the new world order is?"

"Gladly." I said, feigning both a confidence and darkness in my voice. I unwrapped my arms from my chest and placed my hand on the handgun in my belt, before sauntering over to where Rick was knelt.

"Ready? Here it goes. Pay attention." Dad commented, and nodded for me to explain.

I knelt down so I was at Rick's level, and placed a finger under his chin, forcing him to look at me.

"Give us half your shit. Or we'll kill you." I grinned, and hoped my face wouldn't give away the part of me that was shitting itself. I also prayed the words would formulate an actual sentence, and not sound like gibberish.

Dad chuckled behind me. I stood up but didn't break eye contact with Rick.

"Today was career day. We invested a lot so you would know who I am and what I can do." He continued, and walked around the group once more. "You work for me now. You have shit, you give it to me. That's your job. Now I know that is a mighty big, nasty pill to swallow, but swallow it you most certainly will. You ruled the roost. You built something. You thought you were safe. I get it. But the word is out. You are not safe. Not even close. In fact you are pegged, more pegged if you don't do what I want. And what I want is half your shit. And if that's too much, you can make, find, or steal more, and it'll even out sooner or later. This is your way of life now. The more you fight back, the harder it'll be. So if someone knocks on your door, you let us in. We own that door. You try to stop us and we will knock it down. You understand?"

Rick just glared straight up at him. My eyes travelled between everyone I saw in the group.

There was an Asian guy on the left, with dark hair. He looked Korean, I think.

To his right was a beautiful Hispanic woman with long hair.

Next to her was a middle aged man with dark shaggy hair, wearing a leather vest and a grey blanket over his shoulders.. He was visibly bleeding by his neck, and I felt myself feeling remorse for him.

Then it was a dark skinned woman with her hair in dreadlocks.

Then a taller pale man with a ginger head of hair and moustache. He puffed his chest out and looked strong, unafraid. Aka, a problem for us.

To his right was the sickly woman with short, brown hair. She was sweating and looked the color of death. Honestly, I wouldn't have been surprised if she dropped dead right there.

Then it was the fearless leader, Rick. We already know my feelings about him. Seems strong, probably an idiot, maybe just doing what's best for his group. But still an idiot.

To his right, a darker skinned woman with a small frame and pulled back hair.

Then a man with brown curly hair and stubble, who honestly looked like a nice guy. But I knew in my heart that my dad would never even consider the fact that these might be decent people.

Next to him was the kid... Well, guy around my age. He had a bandage covering his right eye, and long brown hair down to his shoulders. His eyes shone no emotion, and seemed to not even reflect the light of the cars surrounding us. I wasn't sure how I felt about him. Something about him seemed... Off.

Then lastly, on the very right, was a man with a slightly larger frame, who had a dark mullet. The trait that was most recognizable, however, was the mass amount of cuts and bruises covering his face.

In my observations, I had somehow missed the Korean jumping forward, and my dad explaining how it is really not a smart idea to step out of line.

At that point, I knew what was coming.

I mean, I had heard everything everyone had said, but my brain didn't seem to recognize it as anything of importance.


Oh no.






Okay, somebody was gonna die.


I knew, whatever was coming, was not going to be pretty.

"A tiger by its toe. If it hollers, let him go, eenie meenie miney mo. My mother told me to pick the very best one and you are it."

Looks like he read my mind.

The tough looking ginger.

"Anybody moves, anybody says anything, cut the boy's other eye out and feed it to his father and then we'll start. You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry. Hell, you're all gonna be doing that."

And with that, Lucille was brought down, and claimed yet another victim.

Maybe One Day [[Negan's Daughter x Carl Grimes]] «COMPLETED»Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin