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(Listen to the song whilst reading, IF YOU DARE *dun dun duunnnn*)

I walked around the corridors and the music grew louder with every step. What was it? I was sure I had heard it before. It sounded... Familiar.

I followed the sound, passing at least a dozen single doors on my way. How had I never seen this place before.

"Hey!" A familiar voice called out from behind me, around the corner I had just turned.

Dwight rounded the corner with his crossbow raised, but stopped short when he recognised it was me.

"Chloe... What are you doing here?" He asked, shaking his head.

"I... I... My, um, Negan told me to come down here..." Lies....

"Really? Cause I specifically remember him saying not to let you around here."

"He... He told me what was down here... Wanted me to check on things, see what happens when..." I listened as hard as I could, and, as if a gift from Jesus, heard yelling and banging coming from behind one of the doors. Thank you, Paul. "When people break the rules... Wanted me to learn my lesson from the other day..."

He seemed to buy it, since I wouldn't be able to tell what was down there just by guessing. Looks like me saving that guy Carl paid off, and now I was getting some good karma.

"Alright... Thought he'd... Say something to one of us."

"No, he... He came to me this morning and I lashed out... Then he decided to come up with this." I said, feigning sadness and innocence, gesturing to the corridors.

"Okay. He say which one he wanted you to see?"

"Umm... He, um..." I looked around again. The yelling and banging, I realised, was coming from the same door that had a speaker above it. The speaker playing the song. I decided that one looked pretty interesting, to say the least, so I pointed to it. "That one. The one with the speaker."

Dwight looked suspicious, but gave in and handed me a set of keys.

"Here. Close the door behind you when you go in. Don't lose which key it is, or you're stuck in there." He picked a key out and separated it from the others.

"Okay... Thanks."

"Good luck in there."

I nodded and turned to the door. I took a shaky breath as I stared at the metal.

Am I seriously doing this? I came here to take a walk, not get involved with people my dad deems "dangerous".

"Hey... I'm coming in." I tried my best to put on a tough voice. The banging didn't stop. "Hey! Back up, now!" My tough voice didn't seem to be working, so I sighed. "Hey... I'm not gonna hurt you. Just... Just back away... Please..." My softer voice seemed to work, and the banging stopped.

I took another shaky breath, and slid the key into the keyhole, turning it clockwise until I heard a click.

I removed the key and pulled the door open slowly, it creaking as I did so. The light entered the room and there stood a very familiar man.

"Wait... You're... You're Daryl... Right?" I remembered Dwight saying what his name was before they threw him in the van, and I'm guessing they brought him back here.

He didn't say a word, just stared at me angrily. My eyes observed him and then I realised...

He was naked.

"Oh God, sorry..." I stuttered, averting my eyes. I folded my arms and tried to look anywhere but at him. "Look, I've gotta come in here for at least a little while, otherwise I'm fucked." I whispered.

He stayed silent.

I sighed angrily and walked in, closing the door behind me. The small amount of light coming from underneath the door managed to make it more difficult to see his... Nether regions.

I was, however, able to see his face still.

"I saved him, y'know." I said after a while in silence. "Carl. My... My dad was about to make Rick cut his arm off. I stopped him."

"Why?" He asked after a few more moments of silence.

"Because I'm not like my dad. I don't enjoy hurting people."

"But you let im kill em."

"What could I have done to stop it?"

"You stopped it with Carl."

"Because I was right in what I was saying. He was doing it just to prove a point that had already been proved. That's why I was able to stop it. I couldn't do anything with the others, and I'm sorry. Its fucking with my head and I can't sleep at night knowing what he did, and I... I'm not sure how, but I want to help. Just... Help you and your and your group live, help make sure nobody else dies."

"S'too late for that."

"Look, I'm trying to help you here. Listen, I'm going to Alexandria with my dad in a couple of hours. If you need me to deliver a message or any thing, let me know. I want to help. Please."

He didn't answer for a while and I began to worry.

"You got a pen?"

I smiled when he asked me at first, but then it reminded me of when my dad asked me the same thing.

"Yeah... Here." I replied, pulling out the same black sharpie from my pocket and handing it to him. "I... I haven't got any paper... Here." I unbuttoned my flannel and tied it around my waist. I held my left arm in front of him. It was dark, yes, but bright enough to see pretty clearly.

He began writing on my arm, and the Sharpie was not a pleasant feeling on my skin.

After about a minute or so, he handed me the pen back.

I squinted my eyes through the dark to read the message he left on my forearm.

Let her help you
She's done alright by us

"Will he know its you?" I asked, putting the cap back on the Sharpie.

"Not sure."

"Well, is there anything you've said to him that no one would no about? I could use it as a kind of way to... I don't know, prove that its you." I slid the pen back into the pocket of my shorts. I untied the flannel from my waist and put it back on my body, before buttoning it up.


Maybe One Day [[Negan's Daughter x Carl Grimes]] «COMPLETED»Where stories live. Discover now