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Chloe's POV

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Chloe's POV

I was in the RV with my dad, awaiting the knock at the door. I sat at the booth inside, bouncing my legs up and down to keep myself from freezing to death in the autumn cold. I intertwined my hands between my spread knees, hoping whatever heat was left radiating from my body was able to warm the things I need to protect myself. If something happened out there, I knew that I couldn't rely on my dad to protect me like I used to. He was trusting me to protect myself for the first time since this whole thing started, and I was thankful for it. I breathed out heavily, mentally preparing myself for whatever awaits us in those woods. I saw the breath escape from my lips and float in the air before disappearing into that autumn cold I had become almost accustomed to at that point.

"You ready, Chlo?" My dad's voice awakened me from my thoughts. I looked up at him with tired eyes, nodding through the exhaustion. My neck throbbed from the movement, my joints locking up from the cold. He gave me a toothy grin, accompanied by a look in his eyes that was reserved for me. A look of softness, vulnerability and love, a look that he didn't give to anyone else, at least he hadn't in a while.

He noticed my heavy breathing and my entire body rattling intensely, clearly. He could read me like an open book. After seventeen years, he knew everything there was to know about me. What I liked, what I disliked, when I was happy, when I was scared, when I was lying or nervous, he always knew. Most people looked at him and saw a monster.

Not me.

I saw my dad.

He stroked his beard with his left thumb and pointer finger intently. Sighing quietly, he walked slowly across the RV and sidled in next to me in the booth. I tried to avoid eye contact with him, not wanting him to see the fear in my eyes. He places Lucille down, leaning against the table, and lifted my chin with his left pointer, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"Now, why don't you tell me what's the matter?" He said sternly. I went to reply, but he cut me off, saying, "And don't lie to me, sweetie. I'll know if you do."

I shifted my eyes around the RV, my gaze landing on Lucille. My dad followed my gaze to her, and smiled, licking his teeth as he did so. He chuckled darkly and moved his finger from my chin, his hand then resting at his side.

"She scare you?"

"N-no... No... Its just a bat..."

Dad chuckled at my response, causing my cheeks to flush and my eyes avert to the ground.

"Exactly! She is just a bat. She doesn't hurt anyone." His voice now hardened as he grabbed my chin between his thumb and pointer finger, forcing my eyes to meet his.

"...we do." I whispered, knowing exactly what he wanted me to say.

"Atta girl!" He chuckled, pulling my chin down so he could place a kiss on my forehead. "Now what's bothering you?"

"...those people out there...they're dangerous." I said, praying my face wouldn't show any signs of weakness. That was one thing that made him mad. Weakness. "Say something happens..."

"Then we have the numbers." He cut me off sternly, with a hardness in his voice. "There's barely a dozen of them out there, one of em's a kid and one's dying. Were gonna be fine. Like we always have."

"Alright." I said, faking a confidence that was beyond my reach.

"Atta girl!" He praised, placing another kiss on my head before standing. He grabbed Lucille and threw her over his shoulder. He then just paced around the vehicle, eagerly awaiting the knock at the door.

After a while, his voice came in an attempt to break the silence.

"You take your meds today?"

I simply nodded. His constant concern for my mental health may seem sweet to others, but to me, it was a reminder.

A reminder of the illness that I was forced to mould my life around, a reminder of the illness that had cost so many people's lives.

He nodded back, and we returned to our previous silence.

Bang bang bang.

"Time to get this show on the road, hun." He chuckled darkly.

I gulped and took a deep breath. I then reached out and took his outstretched hand, and allowed him to lead me to the door.

He pushed it open roughly, and gestured for me to exit first.

With my arms folded across my chest, I stepped outside, immediately feeling everyone's eyes on me. I hated attention. Really.

I gulped again and put on my best "don't fuck with me face".

My dad came to stand next to me, and the RV door slammed closed behind him.

"Pissin our pants yet?"

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