Chapter One

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I was sitting on the beach at Camp Half- Blood with Rachel. We were talking about random things, when green mist started comes out of her mouth. I pulled out the pad and paper that I carried in my pocket in case she started spewing a prophecy and wrote it down.
The prophecy said:
"The seven who went to the ancient home,
To England you and one other shall roam.
The other is like family to one of you,
A girl who lived part of her life as a tree through and through.
The two of you who survived hell,
Shall teach how to defend without a spell.
Two wizards who saved the day,
Ones sister and the brightest witch of her age.
The demigods you must befriend
Reuniting two sisters whose love has no end.
Gaia and Voldemort you must defeat,
To turn them to dust beneath your feet."

Rachel passed out. I picked her up and ran to the big house. Looked like the seven weren't done just yet.

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