Chapter Three

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Harry POV
I got a prophecy today. It was a weird one. It talked about some things called demigods and how two wizards- Ron and I- and two witches- Hermione and Ginny- must befriend them.
Headmistress McGonagal might understand, so I head to her office. When I get there I see that she is talking to a man through what seems to be a rainbow. She sees me and concludes her conversation quickly.
"Mister Potter, what is this impromptu meeting about?"
"I got a new prophecy and was wondering what demigods are."
She sighed. "Oh dear, for once can you not be so inquisitive? You will find out, all in good time."
"Yes headmistress." I walk out of her office to the Griffindor common rooms.

Ron, Hermione, and I and some of the kids in our year are retaking this year because we were disrupted by the Battle of Hogwarts. In the common room Ron and Ginny are bickering a about something and Hermione looks like she is giving up. When they see me they stop talkng.
"Ron sees my expression and says "What's up Mate?"

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