Chapter 2

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"Let's go! Walk out!" The jail attender ordered Arnav, clicking open the bars.

Arnav looked up from between his knees and saw the attender waiting for him with open gates.

"Where to?" Arnav asked, his voice stern but his eyes held confusion.

"There's someone who has come to talk to you. She has gotten a written permission from the authority." Arnav looked shocked at the attender.

It had been two years since someone had come to see him.

It has been two years since he was convicted of being a murderer and no one until now had ever made an attempt to see him. There was no one in the fucking whole world who would want to see him. The only person who would have come (tried to come) to see him was dead - his girlfriend, his late cheating girlfriend.

His mind was clouded with confusion, nevertheless he followed the attender to the interrogation room curious to meet the person who had to come to talk to him.


"You can go into the interrogation room, ma'am. He will arrive there shortly." The guard told Khushi as he guided her to the room.

The guard turned around to leave the room but stopped and turned around once again and said to Khushi, "Just a suggestion ma'am, be alert!"

Khushi looked up at the guard surprised and asked, "Why would you say so?"

"Arnav is quite violent. We just pushed him into the back cell for beating up a bunch of inmates in the ground." The guard shrugged and went off closing the door behind him.

Khushi sat in her chair, her mind swirling around the words said by the guard.

ASR was never a man to harm anyone physically, something had to be wrong.

Yes, he was known to be a ruthless guy but that was only for his words.  She had never heard anyone complain about ASR hurting them physically. Then why now?

Khushi jerked in her place hearing the door open. Khushi stood up as soon as she saw Arnav entering the room followed by the attender.

Khushi's eyes saw each and every movement of Arnav. Arnav took a quick glance at Khushi and then walked towards the chair placed opposite her.

She smiled slightly at his actions and then she turned towards the attender and said, "I would like to have some privacy while I talk to Arnav."

Khushi saw, from the corner of her eyes, Arnav's head jerk towards her. She knew he didn't like to be called Arnav by any unknown person but she was going to call him nothing but that.

"Are you sure?" The attender asked, his gaze shifting from her to Arnav.

"I am very sure." Khushi replied curtly to the attender for looking at Arnav cautiously, as if he meant any harm, while Arnav looked at her with hawk eyes.

Once making sure that the attender was out, Khushi sat in front of Arnav and waited for him to look at her.

Khushi looked at her wrist watch and then at Arnav. She tapped her foot impatiently and when she didn't get any response she groaned and slammed her hand on the desk in front of her.

"Don't you feel like talking to me? It's been two years since you have met someone who is willing to talk to you and here you are sitting in front of me silently, nor doing or saying anything." Khushi complained as she pouted.

Arnav looked at Khushi, surprise shining in his eyes. But he quickly hid the surprise behind the stony walls of indifference.

Khushi gaped at Arnav on getting no response from him.

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