Chapter 9

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Arnav sat on the floor of his cell with his knees flexed and head resting upon it. He had been waiting the whole day for Khushi's arrival but he had started getting worried when Khushi did not show up by the afternoon. She usually met him in the morning or rarely in the afternoon. And she'd inform him the earlier day if she'd be late. But today, she hadn't informed and neither did she show up till the evening. And that had had him worried.

He had requested the guard on-duty to call up Khushi. She hadn't picked up the call but he did get to know that she had been hospitalized through the newspaper. Khushi had been shot upon and she had injured her left arm.

The guard had secretly passed him the paper clipping that held the news of Khushi being shot.

The paper, now, stayed crushed between Arnav's fingers as he formed a fist in anger.

Wasn't this the same reason why he did not want Khushi to take up the case? He knew, now that he was involved, more bloodshed was to come. He has to meet Khushi. He has to warn her of the danger. He has to tell her about everything.

But he knew he was helpless until Khushi, herself, was strong enough to come and meet him. And that just increased his anger.


Khushi sat on the hospital bed with her left arm secured in a sling. She groaned in annoyance at not being able to move her arm.

The door opened, making Khushi look at the visitor.

"Hey, Aman!" Khushi said, surprised at Aman's visit.

"Hi! How are you?" Aman asked eyeing her injured arm.

"As fine as I can be with this sling." Khushi snorted making Aman chuckle.

"Take a seat, Aman." Khushi offered as she leaned on the bed for support.

Aman sat on the couch near Khushi's bed and asked, "How did it happen, Khushi?"

"Even I don't know. My car had broken down and I was looking around for some help when I heard the motorcycle arriving followed by the gunshots. Thankfully, only one hit me and that too in the arm. I was scared for a moment." Khushi described while Aman sat lost in his thoughts.

"Aman." Khushi called out for him bringing him back from his thoughts.

"Hmm, yeah."

"Can you please ask someone to take me to meet, Arnav?" Khushi asked knowing well that he'd help.

"Why someone? I'll come along with you, Khushi." Aman offered.

"So that Arnav scolds both you and me? Arnav doesn't want you to be in danger. He wouldn't like it." Khushi tried explaining Aman.

"It's of no use anymore. Now that you are attacked, I am sure whoever did it knows that I am involved too. So I'd rather be in danger while helping ASR instead of hiding. Anyways, when are you getting discharged?" Asked Aman, determined to meet ASR after so long.

"The doctor is getting the discharge papers ready."

Aman and Khushi sat in silence. Aman waited for the discharge papers to arrive while he made a call to Megha to cancel all of his appointments for the remaining day.

Khushi, on the other hand, racked her head on who could be suspected. She suspected Roy, of course. She has a very strong doubt on him. He has been a mysterious character for her. Next, she hasn't met Anjali yet, so she can't judge Anjali. She needs to meet Anjali soon. But before that she needs to meet Arnav and this time, get everything out of him.

It wasn't long before the doctor handed them the discharge paper and they walked out of the hospital.

Aman's phone rang, distracting them from their thoughts.

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