Preparing for the... date?

Start from the beginning

"How did you know?" I asked astounded. 

"You bit your lip and looking at your hands that were fiddling with your necklace with a sheepish smile on your face when you were gonna tell me that your crush, Micheal, had asked you out." He said with a smirk. I blushed but my smile slowly faded as I thought about Micheal. "Hey." I looked back up the Will. "Who's this new guy?" I smiled again, not forgetting Micheal.

"He's uh Captain America." I said with my voice low.

"I can't hear you, speak up."

"His name is Steve. He's um Captain America." I said loud enough for him to hear. And he heard. 

"ARE YOU KIDDING?" He said with his jaw dropped. I shook my head. "HE'S MY FAVORITE AVENGER!" I giggled. 

"Anyway, he asked me to the movies and I don't know what to wear." He contained most of his excitement and held up a finger, telling me to wait. He rushed out of sight and came back with a confused Piper. She looked at me and a grin was just about smacked on her face. 

"Emma!" He said and stepped closer so we could see each other better.

"Hey, Pipes!" I said waving with a grin.

"She needs help from us." Will said and I nodded. 

"Of course! Anything for you guys." I smiled. "Before we start whatever it is, how are you doing?"

"I'm a lot better." I said and she nodded.

"Okay, what's up?"

"I was asked out by this really cute guy to the movies and I have no idea what to wear or say or anything." I said embarrassed. She squealed. 

"It's not just some 'cute guy'." Will said with a smirk and I blushed.

"WHo's this guy, Em?" She asked.

"It's Captain America." She nearly screamed. 

"ARE YOU KIDDING?" I laughed and shook my head. "HE'S THE CUTEST AVENGER EVER!" I laughed harder. "Of course, I'll help you! When's the date?"

"8 o'clock." I said. She nodded.

"Good, we have plenty of time." She said. "Show us your closet." I nodded. Lucky, I could enter my closet from my room or the bedroom. It was a huge closet filled with stuff from my mom, a few things for camp, and stuff that looked like Natashia's stile. I stood there looking at all of it while my friends were speechless. "No wonder you don't know what to wear, you have so much to chose from! Okay, let's start with the outfit." I put the bowl on a shelf in front of my outfits. 

"Should I do a dress? I don't think so." I said.

"Why not?" Will asked.

"Well, we are even leaving the tower." They were silent. "We have a theater in the tower." I said and they both said "Ohhhhh".

"Well then. No dress." Piper said and Will nodded. "Wear are your fancy tops?" I pushed my regular stuff out of the way and showed her the more fancy clothes. She gazed at the clothes before smiling. Will pointed at one. I blinked and grabbed the hanger with the violet/pink top. Piper pointed at black leggings and black heels. Will motioned to a tan sweater to go over the crop top and I showed them my jewelry. Piper suggested a metal bracelet with arrows pointing at each other.

 Piper suggested a metal bracelet with arrows pointing at each other

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I went back into the bathroom and changed. When I came They cheered.

"You look beautiful!" Will said and I blushed. 

"Thank you. You guys are the best." They looked at each other and smiled.

"We know." They said at the same time. I laughed. 

"You should take it off until the dtae though. Don't wait to long. You still have a lot of time left until then." Piper said and I nodded. 

"I need to tak to Chiron now." Will nodded and both the dmigods left the cabin. Demigods began following and asking questions as they went. I tried to answer all of them but it was hard when they were all talking. "Guys!" I said and they all stopped asking questions as we continued on our way the the big house. "One question on a time." 

"Are you alright?" Clarisse asked pushing another kid aside. I smiled.

"I'm great actually. It's so good to see you!" She smiled. "It's sp good to see all of you!" Everyone smiled now. "When I get the chance I'll come visit camp again." Everyone cheered. "I miss you guys so much!" I said. "Oh, and Percy sends his regards." 

We finally got to the big house and I waved everyone good bye. Will took me to Chiron and he smiled when he saw me. 

"Emma!" He greeted. I waved. 

"Hey, Chiron! I heard that people were worried and I wanted to confirm that I am safe and healthly." He nodded. "It's good to see you Chiron." He nodded again.

"As it is you." I smiled. "How is Percy holding up?"

"Better now that Annabeth visited." I said and he nodded. "She's going to have to visit more often though because of his nightmares." Chiron's expression hardened but he nodded. "I've got to go but I'll Iris Message you guys whenever I can!" I said and he smiled. 

"Thank you." Chiron said and I nodded. I looked back to Will and Piper. 

"Thank you, guys!" Thye nodded.

"Anything for our Emma." I smiled. 

"I love you, guys." They smiled.

"We love you too."


"Bye!" I swiped through the mist.

Niece of Stark, Sister of Percy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now