🍥Chapter six🍥

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These people spoiled possibly one of the best dreams in my entire life.

I started blinking rapidly so that my blurry vision would go away. When it did, I scanned the place and saw familiar faces.

"What the hell?" I yelled angrily.

"Good you're awake," Lindsey smirked evilly. Beside her were Rhonda and Stephanie and behind them were some other girls wearing freaky long robes and covering their faces with masks. They kinda looked like monks. Oh wait, those are just paintings. False alarm.

The sketchy paintings indicated that we were in the washing houses' basement and that was not the only thing that gave it away. There were also a few old washing machines on the side of the room and somebody's underwear hanging on the line just by the machines.

The room was really dark but not that dark where you can't see anything, and the only source of light was coming from a small light bulb that hung above my head.

"Lindsey what the fu-"

"Shhhh!" She shushed me and turned to Stephanie. "Get the book,"

"What book?" Stephanie asked scratching her head with her index finger.

"The dirty dares book on the table," she instructed.

"Um... That one? With the big letters that say dirty dares?" She asked pointing.

"Yes idiot," Rhonda answered facepalming herself.

"Don't be rude. It's not my fault I'm an idiot. It's Donald Trump's fault," she stated almost crying.

"Oh my god!" Lindsey exclaimed walking over to the table and getting the book herself.

She then stood in front of me and started flipping through the pages. After a good fifteen minutes of flipping through she finally stopped and raised her eyebrow.

"Uhuh, I found your first dare. Dare page number 136. Sneak into the cafeteria fridge and finish a tub of ice-cream. Don't let the dorm dean catch you," She read aloud. She then directly looked at me. "Got that?" She asked.

After a moment of silence I decided to speak, "Lindsey are you fucking out of your mind. Why couldn't you just be more civilized and calmly come to my room and discuss this? No. You had to kidnap me," I shouted pissed.

"Oh Nah, I'm never stepping foot on the third floor," she said and I could tell she believed in the third floor haunted shit too.

"You could've at least just told me in the cafeteria. You. You slime," I insulted.

"Oh shut up. Now you got the dare. You have to do it," Stephanie butted in. She looked furious and I had a feeling she was angry for a completely different reason.

"Oh wow. The girl who blames trump for being an idiot finally speaks," I said sarcastically. "Untie me now,"

"No! And. And. And. What you did back there with Dylan, trying to seduce him like a whore was really pathetic. You of all people should know that guys like him don't go after girls like you," Stephanie said, salvia from her mouth going in different directions.

"Like I give a damn," I said confidently knowing that Stephanie was on the verge of breaking down.

"OK. Now both of you shut up. Rhonda, write the dare down on a piece of paper," Lindsey ordered and Rhonda did what she was told.

After writing it down on a piece of paper she handed it to Lindsey. "Steph, untie her," Lindsey ordered. At first, Stephanie hesitated. She was throwing daggers at me with her grey almost black eyes. "Stephanie, untie her now," Lindsey said, louder and more clearly this time. Stephanie then broke her glare away from me and bent down and started fumbling with the ropes.

Dirty DaresHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin