Sick Days

953 11 8

pairing: polyhamilsquad x reader

You had just gotten out of your last class at Colombia. You couldn't stop coughing and your head was spinning. Clumsily, you reached for your phone in your pocket. You tiredly scrolled through your contacts and finally landed on one.The only boy you knew that would be home would be Lafayette so you called his phone and headed out towards the front of the college.

"Mon ange, how are you?" He said sweetly, and your heart warmed at the sound of his voice. You missed him dearly. You missed all of the boys dearly.

"C-Can you pick me up?" You asked softly, rubbing your forehead slightly.

"Once more. I couldn't quite hear you."

Instead of speaking up, you ended up coughing. You tried to turn your head away from the phone, but your coughs were loud enough so Lafayette still heard you. He pouted as he stood in the kitchen, phone pressed to his ear. He reached for the keys to his car and waited for you to speak up.

"I don't feel good, L-Laf." You said, voice sad and desperate.

"I'm coming. Where are you?"

"Just in front of the school." You said, looking around a bit. "And I'm not missing any classes so please don't be upset."

"No, no, no. Never. Non. You'll stay with me until the other boys come home. I'm coming, mon ange. Don't worry and don't move."

"Thanks, Laf."

As you waited near the steps at the front, you saw one of your boyfriends jog past you. John gave you a big smile and you managed one back. He looked really cute today, and you couldn't deny his cute face full of freckles. He looked really cozy today. It must have been the flannel he was wearing.

"Hey, baby." He kissed your cheek softly. "You have a good day?"

"I'm just not feeling too good." You admitted and John pouted.

"Aww. C'mere." He pulled you into his arms and let you rest your head on his chest. While you did so, he felt your forehead. "You're cold." He frowned. "Who are you waiting for out here?" He already started to take off his plaid flannel gave it to you. He held your backpack for you so you could put it on.

"L-Laf said he'd pick me up." You smiled a little as John hummed.

"I'll wait with you then."

"You have to go, don't you?" You gave him a worried look. He rubbed your shoulders and you tightened your grip on his torso.

"Not until one. Franklin doesn't do tardies, so you're stuck with me." He rocked you gently back and forth. "Plus, you're way cuter than that old man."

You giggled and John continued to talk to you as he held you until you saw Lafayette pull up in his car. He held your hand and walked you down to Lafayette's car, opening the front seat and helping you inside as you burst into a fit of coughs. He threw your backpack in the back seat.

"You don't sound good, mon ange." Lafayette pouted as you buckled your seat belt. "Hi, Jack."

"Hi Laf. See you in a bit, yeah?" John smiled, cheeks a little pink. "Take care, baby girl." John kissed your head and then reached over you to squeeze Lafayette's hand. "Bye, you two."

Lafayette blew him a kiss, let John's hand go, and watched him go. He then looked to you briefly before driving ahead. "Do you feel any better?"

You shook your head and he took your hand. Upon doing this, he turned the heater up a bit and rolled the windows back up. He held your hand the entire drive and let you sleep eventually.

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