Chapter 3: It's a date?

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~Knock, Knock~

"Dylan are you in there? Open up, I have some news for you. Open up man." A guy at the door yelled.

"What do you want? Just go away. Dylan's not here right now. Go away." I said still half asleep.

"Dylan open up." The guy at the door yelled.

"Dylan just open the dam door please.  Because if that guy doesn't shut up, I'm gonna punch him in the face." Christa said angry as ever.

"Find and you are not gonna punch anyone in the face. Got it?" I said with a pissed off voice. As I got and started walking to the door. I thought I had heard John's voice and as I opened the door I saw that it was John. "Hey John, whats up?" I said with a more relax voice.

"Remember how you drop off that guy two days ago at the hospital?" John said.

"Sure, yah I remember. Wait what?." I said with a confused face.

"I said do you remember how you.." John said getting interrupted by me.

"I know that I meant the other thing and how it's been two days." I said with a even more questionable look.

"Yah it's been two days since anyone saw you two." John said.

"It's been two days. Dam." I said with a worried look.

"Well, he's awake now and he's asking for the person who saved him." John said quickly.

"Ummm, alright then. Let me just get ready first and I'll go."

"No it's find. I'll have Hazel come over later well the police are done interviewing him alright." John said.

"Umm, alright." I said very sleep

"Alright then, I'll see two later?" John said with a questionable look.

"Yah sure, whatever." I said

"Alright then, she'll come by around 12. Is that ok for you?" John said.

"Like I said whatever." I said.

As John walks away, I realized that he said that Hazel was gonna pick Christa and me up. I started to jump up and down until Christa said " Stop jumping!!!!!"

"Yah, alright" I said

~Two Hours Later~

"When is she gonna get here. I'm hungry and still tired" Christa said while yawning.

“I don't know. John said that she was gonna get here by 12." I said.

“What time is it?" Christa said.

“Like, 12. I think?" I said.

“Really, dam it's so boring." Christa said annoyed.

“Christa please shut up." I said.

~Honk Honk~

“Finally she gets here." Christa said.

~Knock Knock~

“Come in" I said

“Is Dylan and Christa here?" Hazel said with a soft voice.

"Yah, we're here." I said while I raised my hand.

“So, are you guys ready?" She said with a cute questionable look.

“Yah, we are but just one question." I said with my puppy dog-look.

“God, I hate it when people do that. Let me guess, you want food?" She said.

“Yah we do but I have money." I said.

“Hahahah, I didn't think that anyone could do a better puppy look then my brother but you just top that. So, find." Said still laughing.

“So, what are we gonna eat?" Christa said.

“I don't know but I'm buying." I said.

I start walking outside when Hazel grabs my arm and tells me “Hey, I'm sorry for ignoring you."

“It's alright."

“Are you sure?" Hazel said looking sad.

“Yah, now if you want to stand there all day or you can come with me and gets some food? Your choice." I said

“Sure lets go. Oh, and did I hear Dylan asking me on a date?" She said with a grin.

I start laughing and walk when I realized that Hazel actually said. “Hey, wait what was that again?" I said picking Hazel.

“Don't pick me and I was just asking if you were asking me on a date. Because it sounded like it." Hazel said.

“What if I said it was, what would you say?" I said.

“I would say yes." Hazel said.

“Then I'm asking you on a date." I said with a big smile on my face.

“Alright then lets go." Hazel said

End of Chapter


Hey guys whats up? Sorry I haven't written this chapter, I had a lot of things on my plate. I had finals, family problems, and girlfriend problems. Hope you guys like it.

Bye :-P

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