Christmas Oneshot

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A/N: This is sort of an AU. It's a Modern AU and an AU where they have never met! In this story, Ponyboy is 17 and Dally is 20, which basically means everyone is aged up 3 years!! Enjoy!!

Ponyboy parked his car next to the mall. It was late at night and Sodapop sent him to go and get some Christmas decorations. Soda would have gone but he isn't very with that kinda stuff. Pony stepped out of Darry's truck and shut the door behind him. The night was cold and crisp. Pony loved these kind of nights, they just seemed relaxing. Pony made his way into the mall. He didn't like people so he was grateful it was later at night.

Pony walked through the the many aisles looking for Christmas decorations that would be perfect for the Curtis household. This was Pony's favorite type of shopping, along with book shopping, Halloween shopping, and clothes shopping. Ponyboy then looked up. HE saw the most beautiful Christmas star he's ever seen. He has to have it. Pont stood on his toes, stretching to reach the star, but alas he wasn't tall enough. Pony was small for his age, he was small for a lot of ages, but Pony took that as an excuse to still order things off the kids menu.

While Pony was struggling to reach the star, a man who looked about 20 was walking around,hoping to shoplift something. He didn't see anything that interested him until he walked past an isle with a cute, short auburn haired kid was reaching for a star. He quietly chuckled at the kid's attempts at trying to grab the small Christmas decoration. The man decided to take the kid out of his misery and walk up to him.

"Need any help kid?" The man asked Ponyboy. The man had light blonde hair, almost white. His eyes were a dark, cloudy blue. The man seemed like he's seen a lot of things, which kinda frightened Pony.

Pony went flat on his feet and faced the MAn. Pony flushed in embarrassment, "Y-yes please," Pony quietly responded. This man gave him this weird vibe. Like he was dangerous. See this is why Pony hates people, they're all kinda weird.

Dally reached up and grabbed the star,"I'm Dallas by the way. Most call me Dally,' The man said, handing Pony the star with calloused hands. Pony nodded and gave a small,"thanks," as he took the star.

"So what's your name kid?" Dally asked.

Pony debated on either telling the man his name or just running away. He decided against running away because that would probably get him killed and.. That's just really rude,"Ponyboy," Pony said, awaiting the usual laughter to come after. The only person that didn't laugh (that wasn't family) was Pony's best female friend, Cherry Valance.

But, to Pony's surprise, there was no laughter, just a smirk on the older's face, "Nice name kid. I like it," Dally responded.

Pony smiled, feeling less scared and more relaxed, "Thanks, everyone normally laughs at it," Pony responded, looking at the floor.

"Well screw them. Hey after you're done with your Christmas shoppin, you wanna head out, maybe go onna date?" Dally asked, wrapping an arm around Pony's waist.

"I would love to really, but I have to go home to my older brothers. But here, let me see your phone and I'll put my number in and we can set up a date?" Pony asked, blushing a little.

Dally smiled, and handed him his phone, "Go right ahead baby," Dally said, watching closely as Pony put in his number.

"I'd love to stay but i have to head home to my brothers, text me later so we can set up a time, kay?" Pony asked, slipping out off Dally's embrace.

"YEah okay baby, I'll talk to ya later. Take care and be safe, kay?" Dally said.

"Kay," Pony responded, giving Dally a quick peck on the cheek and walked away, leaving Dally standing there grinning like an idiot.

A/N: I really enjoyed writing this!! Tell me if you want more of this! Merry Christmas/ Happy Hanukkah and stay gold!!

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