Unforgettable Love

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"It's scary being loved. Because life is complicated and all too often it throws you off balance by sending you the right person at the wrong time"( Guillaume Musso)

Closing his eyes, he wanted to stop her and just pull her into his arms. He wanted to confess to her. He wanted to take her under his wing and to love her but everytime he looks at her ,Yan Da would appear.

"I can't let myself feel like this, I can't let you do this to me"

People speak of fate
and meetings of chance.
Finding of soul mates
and love at first glance.

Alignment of planets
Shooting stars up above.
Fullness of the moon
and pairs of white doves.

I've never taken stock
in these symbols and signs.
But having met you
proved I'd been blind.

Poets write of hearts
eternal devotion.
Flames of desire
and new found emotion.

Love ever lasting
a lifetime of bliss.
Heaven here on Earth
the passion of a kiss.

I've never found valid
these words foolishly penned.
Then you graced my presence
and proved me wrong again.

Singers sing of heartache
and the one that got away.
Internal emptiness
pain that still remains.

Missed opportunities
the hollowness of night.
Paths that never cross
timing that wasn't right.

I never dreamed those songs
could ever ring so true.
Until I thought of life
without ever knowing you.

(- Ryan Mapes -)

"Ying Kong shi! You can't catch me!" Pink Orchid hollered as she hidden between the trees

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"Ying Kong shi! You can't catch me!" Pink Orchid hollered as she hidden between the trees.

Ying Kong Shi laughed to himself as he watched her carefully, it was not hard to catch her but then again he didn't want to end the game to quick. Disappearing from the view Pink Orchid was stunned when she felt a pair of hands wrapped around her waist as she was being lifted. Both if the duo laughed as Ying Kong Shi twirled her around just a moment before putting her back down.

Everything around them felt at ease and so beautiful, if life was spend more like this Ying Kong Shi would love to spend it more with her.

"Promise me you'll always be by my side" Ying Kong Shi said ad he looked at her sincerely.

"I promise, spending every moment with you is unforgettable"

The day was a bit rough for Pink Orchid, she wanted to talk to Ying Kong Shi but for some reason she just didn't have the guts, was he more interested in the girl than he was with her? She could tell from the look of his eyes and the way he had held her. It wasn't jealousy that she was feeling right? There was really no point into thinking that! Grabbing a snowball and forming it in her palms she then threw it making it hit the trees.

Walking just along the path, Ka Suo and Li Luo had caught a glimos of Pink Orchid who was far about.

"Is that the one who had saved you?" She said

"Mhm" Ka Suo nodded proudly as he smiled at her.

Li Luo smiked along as she was thankful for this woman, the news of Ka Suo made each Kingdom and Tribemans all in honir of Pink Orchid s dept. She had not onky gain respect but she had gain many sides to even fight for this woman who had saved Ka Suo.

"I will have to thank her , for she had saved the man I loved"

Ka Suo couldn't help but to feel great, having Li Luo by his side again. Having her to pull him along, they had went to speak with Pink Orchid.

"Pink Orchid!" Ka Suo called as she got Pink Orchid attention.

Looking over at the couple, a smile crept on her face as she looked at the two of them happily.

"I wanted to thank you personally for helping not only me out but for Ka Suo. I will look at you as a wonderful friend and the honor of the Kingdom Guardians. Thank you for your bravery and kindess"

Pink Orchid was suprised, she didn't need this type of treatment and to be oraised because of saving ones life. Smiling at the female before her she then chuckled.

"You don't have to thank me, it's what I needed to do to save a friend's life. So please dont be so formal!"

Li Luo cheekily smiled at the womans sincere attitude, she had recon that the two would become great friends. Almost forgetting the plan, Li Luo then gasped as she looked over at Ka Suo who just stared at her in confusion. Tonight all the clans leader had all agreed to meet up with each other in the mortal world to meet Pink Orchid in honor, everyone had never had a chance to meet her in oerson so they decided tonight would be a special night to befriend her.

"Ah, Pink Orchid. I want to invite you to hang out with me and Ka Suo in the Mortal Kingdom. If you aren't busy, woukd you like to join?"

Ka Suo then remembered as he almost cursed himself for forgetting, nodding along with Li Luo he had hoped she would approve.

Pink Orchid didn't even have a second in to thinking, she really had nothijg ekse to do and this was the only way to get her mind off of things.

"Alright, I will join!" She cooed as they all had left along to the Mortal Kingdom .

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