Thankfully John came in and set something on the table a few minutes later, which stopped the other two from talking. "Hey, peaches," he murmured as he knelt down in front of you.

"Hey," Alex and Laf replied in unison.

"I was talking to the hurt one, idiots," John rolled his eyes. "You two can be awfully slow for geniuses."

You snorted, wincing at your mistake. It hurt your head more than you thought it was going to. John took your hand and played with your fingers.

"Where's Herc?" you turned your head towards John as much as you could.

"He is upstairs stress knitting. You know that he hates seeing you sick or hurt," Gilbert answered. "Are you sick?"

"No, I fell," you grumbled.

"Well, we got that much. Why did you fall? Did you trip?" Alex retorted and started stroking your hair.

"Why with all the questions? My head hurts. I fell, that's all," you snapped. John pressed featherlight kisses over the back of your hand. You knew he was trying to calm you down, but you also knew that they weren't going to like any of the answers you had for their questions. You just wanted them to let it go and you knew they weren't going to.

"Gilly is going to text Herc and tell him to bring something down for your headache, okay?" John kissed your forehead.

You nodded just enough so that he would see. Gilbert shifted to get his phone from his pocket. You groaned when he started typing. He had his sound on all the way up because apparently he was a middle aged white mom. You felt Alex reach over and the sound stopped. If you could have moved, you would have kissed him more passionately than you had ever kissed anyone before. In that moment, he was like an angel to you. From asshole to angle in like fifteen minutes. How on earth was that even close to fair?

Herc came running down the stairs, each step landing and producing both a thud and a squeak from the stairs. You winced at every footfall until he made it to the living room. Alex and Gilbert helped you sit up so that you could take whatever it was Herc had brought. The bottle rattled rather loudly for a minute before John handed you a few of the pills and the glass of water he had brought in earlier. You downed the pills and chugged the water without opening your eyes. John took the glass back to set it on the table again.

"Do you want to stay sitting up or lay back down?" he asked, obviously being careful to keep his voice down.

"Doesn't matter," you shrugged. He kissed you softly before he laid you back down across Alex and Gilbert. You heard the table being dragged across the floor so that Herc could sit next to John on the floor in front of you. You felt all of their eyes on you, you felt the silence, you felt the worry, and it all got to be too much.

"I fell because I haven't been eating. I've been spacey for a while, but it hasn't been a big deal. I've been fine," you blurted. You realized that you had been almost unintelligible, but there was no way you were going to be able to repeat yourself, so you hoped they understood it.

The boys were quiet for a long time. Now that you needed noise, they were fucking silent. You weren't able to keep yourself from crying. All of this was too much. Someone started stroking your cheek delicately, as though they might break you.

"Why?" Alex asked.

"'Why?'" you scoffed. "Look at all of you. You're all perfect. Stunning. And I'm- I'm not. I just want people to think that I belong with you."

"But you're perfect. Better looking than anyone here, including me," Gilbert said, followed by an insulted "hey" from the other three.

"Girls, girls, please. You're all beautiful," you tsked playfully.

Hercules sighed. "We all think you belong. Why does it matter what anyone else thinks?"

"We love every bit of you," John took your hand again. "You don't need to starve yourself to try and please people who are just out there making people feel like shit just for some weird power trip or whatever."

"What's that one song? That that Megan chick wrote?" Alex furrowed his brow. You all groaned.

"You are such an old man, my love," Gilbert chuckled.

"But we all love him anyway," Herc winked at Alex. "And if we can accept that flaw, I'm pretty sure we can accept you and your nonexistent flaws."

You smiled a little. "I guess."

"They're being incredibly rude, but they have a good point," Alex rubbed your arm.

"We're just telling the truth. If you weren't such a dad, then we wouldn't have to call you out for it," John snickered. From there, the conversation dissolved into a bunch of insults while they all spent as much time kissing you or showing you affection however they could while they were talking. You fell asleep to them making fun of John for his southern pet names. 

~~ Tumblr dude is  okierieteonaodowan-vevo ~~

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