My throat suddenly burns. Seeing Jimin throwing those glance towards Jin, cripples my blood. I stand in-front of them, exactly between Jin and Jimin. The two guys keep debating about Sugas sleep routine non stop.

I eyed jimin the whole time. I'm jealous how he can talk to Jin easily. It disturbs me that Jin only see me as a brat. Why? Why Jin always treated me differently than the others? I always try my best to be helpful, but it seems like my hard-works doesn't really matter to him.

Jimin finally, somehow, notice my glare. His lips stretch into a thin line. His eyes darken and the way he looked at me change. He seems to notice how uncomfortable i am right now. He glance towards Jin who's apparently still looking at his phone as he talk non stop about Suga stupid habit.

"Hey Jin" His eyes lighten in a second "Yeah?" Jin answered without even lifting his head from the phone.

"I should go wake the other up" Jimin pats Jin broad shoulder before making his exit. The way he looks at me before he disappear really made me shiver. His eyes darken, the way he blink is way too scary. And the fact that his lips stretch into a line somehow made me notice how annoyed he actually really is.

"Kookie? Are you okay?" I could hear Jin voice in-front of me. I averted my eyes away from where Jimin last stand and look at Jin face.

"Yeah 'm fine" I sigh as i shake my head a couple of times trying to get rid of Jimin face image.

"You know, if something ever bothers you, just tell me, okay?" Jin soft voice makes me smile.

I lean backwards towards the kitchen counter and smile widely "You're amusing" I burst out.

Jin frown his eyebrows giving me an odd stare "What?" He questioned,

"You're personality changes. Yesterday you're cold to me then suddenly you're hot. It's quiet amusing" I bit my lower lips hoping that he will just ignore my statement.

"I'm sorry for being like that" He sigh,

I turn my head shockingly. I didn't expect him to say that. Jin is the type of person who apologize rarely. He always feels like he's right. He ever told me that by apologizing to someone is like saying yourself wrong. So that means, he think that he's wrong, right?

"Really?" I widen my eyes in shock,

"Yeah" He squint his eyes as his cheeks rose,

I blink twice in awe. I couldn't help but to swing my legs. It makes me happy just by knowing that he's sorry. I've always been looking up to Jin. He's like that special one you always have in you're heart, somehow he just became my special person over years.

He showed me Seoul. He's always been there since the first time we debut. He helps me a lot. And that is why somehow i looked up to him.

I scan his feature while Jin still plays his phone. I notice how his eyes goes from up to down scanning the whole screen. And how his lips move as he try to hide back the laughter from seeing a funny post. Little things that he did somehow made me happy.

Without noticing myself, i mesmerized him.

And suddenly beyond my expectations, he turn his head to face me. I swear when our eyes meet, my breath hitched. My heart started to beat like a drum. The way he stare into my eyes  made my cheeks hot. It burns.

What is happening to me?

I could feel how my cheeks are turning red in a second, i don't want him to notice my awkwardly blushing cheeks and that is why i hit him in the neck. Hard.

"Ow!" He grunt in pain "Why did you do that for?" Jin frown his eyebrows as he rubs his neck that's currently in pain because of me.

I can't help but to sigh in relief. I hope my cheeks are not that red anymore. I raise my chin up to meet his eyes again. But this time he's not really staring deep into mine, he seems occupied with his pain. And that is why i smile nervously. I'm glad that he didn't really notice my blush because if he did, i swear he will think me as a freak. I mean- which friend blush while staring into the other friend eyes?

"I'm so sorry, hyung. Are you okay? " I crooked a worried expression. But all i get in return is an angry expression. It's seriously my bad. I hit him way too hard and i think i just left a red mark in his neck.

"Yeah whatever" He shake his head softly. Ah, i feel bad. I feel like i don't deserve his apologize before. I know that he thinks i'm annoying and that is why i try my best to not become a brat.

But i think, i just did.

I lower my head as i bit my lips. I feel dumb. I want to get closer to him, and that's why i try my best to act childish in-front of him. But now, I feel like a brat. Am i too dramatic? Why do i feel like i'm too dramatic when it comes to Jin?

"Hey" Suddenly i could feel a cold hand raise my chin up. "Chill, i'm fine" Jin voice sounds playful. The way he looks me at me suddenly change. His darken eyes from before, lightened. And the way his eyebrows raise as he laugh is adorable.

"What the hell happen to you bro? You look so dramatic. You want to join a drama club or what? You're acting is the best" Jin grab my shoulder and shake it. He laugh as he constantly shakes it. It's Jin thing to laugh while his hand roam to shake or hit other people shoulder.

I keep staring at him. I like his laugh.

He stop his laughter and shockingly he lean his head down in my shoulder. My shoulder tense as i widen my eyes. I'm really trying hard to keep my heart beat in a normal pace.

"You're weird" He whisper,

I side glance to see him and saw how serious he looks right now. The fact that he just called me weird really does not match his expression right now. I stretch my thin lips into a small smile. It's nice. This is nice. Having Jin beside me is really nice. Only us two. Nobody to disturbs.

"Wow, thanks" I chuckle. Staring into the wall with him is now my new hobby. I blink feeling giddy inside.

"But" He suddenly spoke. He shut himself up for a second then continues it with a sentence that keeps me up in the sky,

"I like it" he whisper quietly.


Thanks for the vote guys!

And please do comment! I will appreciate to know what is your opinion about my book! Thank you so much xxxxx

Catherine, all love xoxox

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