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(B/f/n) POV

Everything was fine before she went mad.
She's not who I knew before.
She is broken.
She snapped.
She was done.
She went too far.. way too far.
My boots dripping red, I see her.
I see her smile.
It is fake.
I see her eyes.
They show no love.
No compassion.
No soul.
What they showed was hurt.
She always gets what she wants and she wanted revenge.
She walks towards me.
She sits beside me.
She looks at me.
She hugs me "I'd never hurt you" is what she says.
The world split one full of blood.
The other was happy.
I saw her.
She wasn't mad.
She was happy.
She had a real smile, and she said "I missed this."
She walked away.
Disappeared along with the happy World.
It started raining blood.
I couldn't see her.
I could hear her say "don't hurt. never hurt. keep safe," she started yelling it, faster, faster, more fear each time then there was silence.
This I couldn't take.
Left alone with my thoughts in a pool of blood.
I just wished for it to be over.
Then I opened my eyes and heard...

Michael's POV

"Loser, loser, loser, you're a loser, loser, loser, YOU'RE A GOD DAMN LOSER, no one cares, no one ever will, no one ever has!"
The voices speak they don't stop they never do they fill my head with darkness. The light comes from her, she makes me happy, she's there for me, she's awsome.

I wake up, "ugh why do I like her."

I thought no one else was awake but no I then hear, "who (Y/n)?" It was (b/f/n) all I could do was blush she had to cover her mouth to not scream. I covered my head in a pillow and went back to sleep

(Y/n) POV

(she's listening to music. She's basically just dancing, singing and getting married...?)

Freshman Losers (Michael X Reader) (Jeremy X best friend)  (completed)Where stories live. Discover now