I was lost for words.

Harry Styles is now in a relationship with Hallie Chalmers.

What a player. What a jerk.

It annoyed me how he could get away with playing girls around, but by my impression of Hallie, it seems as if she's been played around a lot before.

Someone had to put him in place, and that person would have to be me.

Dinner was simple. The conversation's were minimum. 

I thought having an early night would be best after the events that happened today.


My alarm went off rapidly. Rather than hitting the snooze button, I decided to get up and have a shower.

 The hot water collided onto my skin, refreshing it as the water droplets fell onto me. I washed the shampoo out of my hair, sending streams of water down my back.

I got out of the shower and dryed myself before getting into my school uniform and applying my usual make-up routine.

I wasn't very hungry, so I grabbed an apple from the fruit basket and said goodbye. I was ready early this morning, so I wanted to walk to school so I could explore the places I hadn't seen yet at school.

I felt the cold, crisp wind gushing, carrying leaves as it passed by. I loved the autumn season.

When I arrived at school, there wasn't many people there. They were all scattered around the courtyard.

I pulled a scrumpled piece of paper out of my bag, which had a map on it, to see if I could find where the music block is. As I wanted to check out the music room, because I didn't have enough time to do so yesterday.

The room was empty. Surprisingly the door was unlocked, I walked in to be greeted by a grand piano. It was untouched. I couldn't help but walk over to it, and lift up the board which protected the keys.

I sat down on the piano stool, and placed my bag next to me.

I'm sure it wouldn't harm to play one piece would it? Surely if it was, the door would be locked right? 

I started to play. Memorising each note. Letting the music take me away. I began to sing.

I always needed time on my own

I never thought I'd need you there when I cry

My voice began quiet. I opened my eyes, looking around. No one was there. I carried on.

And the days feel like years when I'm alone

And the bed where you lie is made up on your side

My voice got louder, with more confidence shining through.

 When you walk away I count the steps that you take

Do you see how much I need you right now

I clutched for a grasp of air, before starting the chorus.

When you're gone

The pieces of my heart are missing you

When you're gone

The face I came to know is missing too

When you're gone

The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok

I sighed.

I miss you

These lyrics always affected me the most. I couldn't help but let a few tears fall from my eyes. I wiped them away quickly but I stopped when I heard the sound of clapping.

I turned around and froze. My mouth turning into an 'O' shape.

Harry's POV

I needed to catch up on my coursework so my Mum gave me a lift into school early. I was walking through the school when I was mesmorised by a voice.

No just any voice.

A voice of an angel.

Who on earth was it?

I needed to find out who this miracle voice belonged to.

I followed the sound of the girl singing, and I froze to the spot when I reached the door.

It was hard to tell who was singing. I didn't want to interupt.

Her long, brown wavy hair stopped midway down her back. I'd never known anyone at this school to have hair as nice as hers.

That's when I realised who she was.

Ellie Caldwell.

She seemed to relate to the words when she started to sing the chorus. It was almost a cry for help, she suffered to sing every word, but she still had the motiviation to do so. 

She was note perfect. No faults, her voice would weaken at some parts but it was still beautiful. She was beautiful.

She finished playing. And I was awoken by the trance she set me in. She sniffled, and wiped under her eyes. Where I presumed tear drops had been falling.

I started to clap my hands, to show my appreciation. 

She froze, and turned around and just stared at me. Her mouth creating an 'O' shape.

I started to walk towards her.

"Wow" Is all I could manage to say.

She blused, and dropped her head down, and fiddled with her fingers.

It was an embarrassment blush though. Why was she embarrssed?

She quickly picked up her bag and tried to push past me but I stuck my arms out, holding her by her shoulders.

"Woah, woah, woah. Where do you think you're going?" I asked suprisingly, I was shocked by her quick reaction to my appreciation.

She looked up at me, she was trying to search my eyes for the truth, I could tell. No one has ever looked at me like she just did. 

"Why do you care?" she asked. Giving me a disgusting look.

"You're amazing Ellie" I replied. "You really are"

"I'm not in the mood for your jokes Styles" She tried to push past me again.

"It's not a joke. I promise you. You're really good at singing. Your voice is just, wow. I honestly said, rubbing the back of my head.

You have real talent" I finished off.


She blushed and dropped her head again. And this time I was sure it was a good blush. She then looked up at me, and smiled.

Wow. Her smile is adorable. The way the corner of her lips hooked themselves onto my heart.

Woah. Harry, what are you thinking? You're with Hallie now. 

But Hallie's smile doesn't even come close to how Ellie's smile makes me feel. 

What was this feeling I had inside of me?

I don't know what it is, but I like it.


First connection!:D well, Harry connecting with her, hehe. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOTE/COMMENT, I want to know that people are reading this and they like it, I don't want to carry on if I think people who read it don't think it's good enough, or it bores them. I want to know what you think of it!


I haven't re-read, typing errors, confusing sentences will probably occur!

Broken - Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now