Chapter 1

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Author's note: Hello. So this is my very first story and in like most fanfics there will be drama. I really hope you just like this story and I'm very excited for you all to read it. Also there might be a little bit of smut so if you don't like that then just skip it. Happy readings!

Update: I'm rewriting this fanfic since it's very cringy and I don't like how I wrote it. So I'm rewriting it and making it better. Also there's no smut yay!

Kellin's POV

Me and Oliver have been dating for 4 amazing years. For our anniversary I'm planning on taking him out for dinner and spoiling him when we get back home.

I'm come home from work and open the door. Usually I see my handsome man sitting on the couch waiting for me but he's not there.

"Babe I'm home" I shouted. I took off my shoes and my jacket.

"I'm upstairs love" He shouted back. I ran upstairs to see my boyfriend. I opened the door and there he was. Laying on the bed with the biggest smile on his face.

"Are you gonna stand there admiring me or you're gonna come here to kiss me love?" He smiled. I walked over to him and kissed him. He kisses me back and we shared a tender kiss.

We pulled back catching our breathes. "Happy anniversary babe. I love you" I smiled at him and he smiled back.

He rubbed my back and kisses kissed my neck. "Go take a shower gorgeous. You smell" We both laughed

I head to the bathroom and took my shower. I let the warm water hit my body and was dozing off until I heard the bed frame hitting the wall.

"The fuck?" I finished up my shower and walked into the bedroom. I couldn't believe what I saw.

My boyfriend with another guy on our bed making out and touching each other. My heart ache and tears started falling down.

"What the fuck Oliver! 4 fucking years together and this is what you do!? Cheat on me with another guy!?" I scream at him and they both look at me. Oliver looked at me shocked.

"Kellin! I-I"

"Save it Oliver. I don't wanna hear it. I knew you never changed. You're just a lying cheating cunt" I wiped my tears and I stormed out of the house.

I can't believe he would cheat on me with Josh. Everyone warned me he would cheat but I didn't listen and thought he changed.

You know what they always say. Once a cheater always a cheater.

I went out to a nearby bar to get some drinks and forget about what happened at the house. I don't even want to think about it.

I showed the bouncer my ID and sat at the bar. I asked for whiskey, coke with vodka, and beers.

"Hey buddy. Had a rough night?" A guy asked me. He had brown hair that curly on the ends, a silver nose ring and brown eyes. He has a tan complexion and really attractive.

"Yeah. It was my 4 year anniversary with my boyfriend but he cheated on me. Everyone warned me about him cheating but I didn't listen. I love him" I sighed.

"That fucking suck man. If he cheated on you he never really loved you dude. You don't deserve a cheating man in your life" He smiled at me and patted my shoulder.

"Thanks. Well I got to go" I tell the guy. He grabbed my hand and wrote his number on my hand.

"I hope to see you soon" He smiled and I smiled back. I left the bar and headed to the one place that made me happy.

I went to the park and sat on the bench looking at the fishes swimming. I sighed and thought about my happy times with Oliver and wondering what went wrong to make him cheat on me.

Is This the End Of Us? (Koli and Kellic) (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now