chapter 13

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george's pov

the whole family were round for dinner. we all sat around the table but their was no joking or laughing.

"hows the shop george" mum asks

"its doing fine" I mutter.

the door flies open and a patronus races in. professor mcgonnigal's voice echos around the room. "hogwarts is under attack. we need all the help we can get"

noone says a word as we all get up and race to the fireplace. one by one we use he floo to get to hogwarts.

the site before us was horrible. children of all ages stood battling experienced adults.

"you got my patronus" mcgonnigal calls as she duels one of them "we are going to need every man and woman who can fight here. as it is. if you can convice her. well. all hope is lost"

"convince who professor" I say although I already know the answer.

"see for yourself" she says and shows us out of her office.

we stand outside the office for a moment. the battle hadnt quite reached the top landing. it takes a moment for anyone to see her. bellatrix malfoy was battling for her life. but for the wrong side. she looks up and looks confused for a moment but she shook it off and her gaze turned murderess as she fought again.  she fought 4 or 5 people at once and every time she would win. she didnt kill them. she was still humain.

she battles her way into the great hall and before anyone can reach out and stop me. im racing forward my own wand raised.

commander cats pov

the people on the floor above. they looked familiar. as if I should know them. as if I did know them.

I continued battling towards the great hall. I threw a curse at someine and they fell to the ground. I could have killed him. if my training taught me anything its that I should have killed him. why didnt I?. no matter how hard I tried I couldnt bring myself to kill these people.  I finally reach the great hall where the younger kids were hiding out.

a teacher steps out from infront of them and stands protectively.

"oh save it" I snap rolling my eyes. "you cant stop me from killing every single one of you in this room"

the professor shakes as he raises his hand "you and I both know trixie. you wouldnt kill anyone" a voice behind me says.

I spin round but not before putting a spell up to freeze the students and teachers. I spin round to find the ginger haired boy from earlier staring at me. I knew him from somewhere.

"who in merlins beard is trixie" I snap glaring at him.

he steps back a moment.

"you are" he replies.

"me?" I say laughig darkly "my name is cat underwood commander of the black parade"

"god trixie what have they done to you" he mutters

"for the last time my name is cat underwood" I yell sendig a curse at him.

he easily dodges it.

"no your not" he says "your name is bellatrix malfoy daughter of luscious and narcissa malfoy sister of draco malfoy. ex death eater" he says 

"no im not" I yell throwing another spell at him. 

this time the spell knocks him back.

"warriors fall back" my voice echos around the castle and instantly people everywhere begin to dissapear.

I cast a spell which reopens one of my many scars causing me to wince and apparate to the hill where we had set up camp.

I limp into camp to find I am the last to arrive.

"why on earth did you call a fall back" tyler yells storming up the hill

"because tyler we have been fighting for hours now. people need sleep and healig time" I snap as I sit down on a seat to heal the scar.

"cat what happened" he asks his voice softenig slightly.

"an old scar reopened" I reply

"an old scar?" he asks "how can you have an old scar"

"I dont know" I mutter as I re-heal the scar

"get some sleep cat" he says pointing me towards a tent.

too tired to argue I get up and head over to the tent.

as soon as my head hits the pillow im asleep. I have a dream. something I havent had in awhile.

someone shoves me into a large dark room and I look around in fright.
"ah nice of you to join us bella" a dark frizzy haired woman smirks. she looked almost. crazy?. she held a knife to a frizzy brown haired girls throte.
protectiveness floods through me and I cast a spell knocking the woman back.
my legs move towards the girl and I ask "hermet are you ok"
"t...trixie?" she asks. I want to scream and tell her my name isnt trixie but instead im sayig "yip"  then he pain hits and im thrown against a wall and scream.
"well well well I knew you were a traitor but I didnt know you would go as far as to try and kill your own aunt" the crazy wuth growls.
the pain intensifies and a thin ginger kid that had to be related to the one I had talked to earlier today and a black haired boy with glasses and a scar helping the frizzy haired girl up and a house elf grabbing their arms as I mouth go.
a platinum blonde kid lies passed out on the ground.

end of dream

bellatrix malfoy (sequel to dracos little sister)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя