chapter 5

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monday morning was cold and rainy. but classes continued as normal.

I walked with the others to defense against the dark arts wonderig who our teacher would be. we were still currently looking for a defense aginst the dark arts teacher so other teachers had to cover.

we enter the classroom to find professor mcgonnigal standing at the front.

we quickly took our seats in the middle of the classroom me closest to the windows.

"the ministry....the ministry has descided that as 7th years you are mature enough to understand what the three unforgivable curses are. why they are used and why they have such big effects on people even after the curse has been lifted." mcgonnigal says "now before any of you start complaining I do not like this anymore than you do. if for any reason you feel you can not put up with this discussion then feel free to leave the class at any point."

as she finishes speaking noone moves.

"alright. who can name any of the curses and what they do" she asks.

ron hesitantly puts his hand up.

"the imperious curse" he says "causes the victim to do the bidding of the caster"

"correct mr weasley" she says harry raises his hand "mr potter"

"the killing curse" he says "it kills the victim"

"correct" she says her voice softening slightly.

noone says anything. I had been staring out of the classroom hopin I wouldnt have to answer.

finally I look up.

"the Cruciatus curse" I say quietly "it tortures the victim. if used to often can cause in sanity. it leaves a permanent mark on the victims mind"

I didnt know why I had said the last part. i had just blurted it out.

"correct miss wilson" she says her eyebrows furrowing slightly. "can anyone tell me why only some witches and wizards can cast this spell"

I dont know why I said what I did next.

"you have to meam the curse" I say "you could point your wand at anyone and utter the curse but unless you wanted to cause them harm you wouldnt."

I closed my eyes a moment as my aunts words begin to circle around in my head. when I open them again my friends are looking at me weirdly. 

"of course they dont like you. your own family hates you. your a disgrace"

"no trixie you cant have another flash back" I mentally scold myself.

but the words keep circling round in my head. I quickly get up from my seat racing from the room. I run until im outside where I begin pacing and try to calm down. I run my hands through my hair as I walk pace.

"you have to calm down. miss malfoy" mcgonnigal says

"im trying professor" I snap as the tears threaten to spill. I take deep breaths and sit down on a rock closing my eyes. when I open them again the others are staring at me funny. with a jolt I realise I had just answered to malfoy. not wilson. fudge.

"how long have you know" I ask quietly.

"I had my suspicions" she replies "now what sort of potion is it"

"not a potion" I mutter "a spell"

with a sigh I remove the spell that changed my appearance. I stare at the ground a moment and when I look up my friends are starig at me as if they had seen a ghost.

all except ginny. who stormed straight towards me and slapped me.

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