why is everything so complicated? (sequel to dracos little sister)

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a lot can change in the space of a month. a lot can hange in the space of 6 months.

I had went from being the gryffindore princess and malfoys little sister to being the new halfblood new girl noone knew anything about. after weeks of debate I had finally descided to return to hogwarts. I had enough money from working anywhere I could. something dark was going to happen. I just didnt know what.

I had bought all my books for the year and was staying in a muggle hotel just outside diagon alley. tomorrow I would be getting on the train for my final year at hogwarts. I had sent a letter to professor mcgonnigal saying I was a transfer from beauxbatons academy with all my real owl scores.

she had quickly agreed to let me attend and I would be sorted along with the 1st years. I would go towards hagrid who would take me up to hogwarts.

I was using a spell I had created to change my appearance. I appeared as a brown frizzy haired geeky girl with glasses. the stereotypical muggle geek.

I lay staring at the ceilin after waking up from yet another nightmare.

reaching over I turned on the light and got up from my bed. my appearance was how it normally was. plain old bellatrix malfoy. I was covered in scars. they were the one things that wouldnt go away if I changed appearance.

I couldnt help but stare at the huge one across my stomach. my death had been real. I had died. turned out I wasnt supposed to die. love saved me.

I know how cheesy. 

I had the scars from my aunt. even thinkin of her made me hurt.

my dark mark had faded into nothing more than a scar. but I was certain it would remain. which meant I wouldnt be allowed to war any short sleeves.

looking towards the clock I find i only have a couple of hours before I had to catch the train. I quickly cast the spell before heading down to grab some breakfast.

"shouldnt you be in school miss" an elderly woman asks me.

"I start today mam" I reply kindly. "im starting at a new boardig school near here you see"

"righty" she says before returning to her breakfast. 

I hurry with my breakfast and race upstairs to grab my trunk.

I quickly pay and make my way out and onto kings cross station.

the first thing I notice upon entering platform 9 3/4 was the lack of older students. the second thing. was draco standig with pansy on one side and hermipne ginny neville luna harry and ron standing on the other.

I walk into the middle of the platform worried someome wpuld recognise me.

"and you must be young miss amelia wilson" the voice of professor mcgonnigal says. "my name is professor mcgonnigol"

I spin round at the sound of my fake name and smile.

"yes. thats me" I say smiling. 

"good good. I dont have time to baby both you and the first years so hermiome granger here will be your guide for the day" she says quickly.

I turn my smile to hermione tryig not to display any recognition of her.

"hello my name is amelia wilson but everyone calls me mia" I say smiling.

"hermione granger" she says. her smile is forced and tired. as though she had seen more sufferig than she wanted. which was true. we all had.

"your in capable hands miss wilson" mcgonnigol says before walking away.

"come on want to meet some of my friends" she asks.

"yes please" I say with fake enthusiasm. 

"I know what its like being the new girl. im a muggleborn so I didnt know anything about this world" she continues.

"as a halfblood brought up in the muggle world I had no idea either" I agree.

"who's the new girl" harry asks

"guys this is amelia wilson shes starting 7th year with us." hermione introduces

"hi" I say waving slightly.

"mia this is ginny weasley ron weasley neville longbottom luna lovegood harry potter and bellatrix...." she introduces before stopping.

I look at her confused "but theres only 5 other people" I mutter confused.

"she died" harry says stiffly.

"oh. im sorry" I say akwardly.

"its fine. you didnt know" hermiome says softly. the looks on their faces made me feel guilty and want to change back to normal. then I remember why I had to fake my death and stop myself.

if what draco had said that night on the tower was true then.....

I shake the hought out of my head and snap back to reality.

"and whos the blonde haired boy" I ask knowing it was better to ask before I slipped up.

"draco malfoy" ginny says

"whats the houses here" I ask. "at beauxbatons we have a few but I didnt get a chance to ask about the ones here."

"theres ravenclaw for the smart thats lunas house. hufflepuff for the kind. slytherin for the cunning and gryffindor the brave. thats our house" hermione says "come on we better get onto the train. its leaving soon"

with that we all pile onto the train al squashed in a compartment. 

"so what was beauxbatons like mia" ginny asks.

"its beautiful but everything is always proper. everyone was always overly cheerful. even if it was to make fun of you" I reply recounting what I had heard off of one of my cousins that went to beauxbatons. "a lot of them are nice though"

"sorry but ron ginny neville and I have to go" hermione says "prefect duties. we probably wont be back in time"

"thats fine" harry says

hermione ginny ron and neville get up from there seats and leave the compartment

"I best be going to the ravenclaw carriages" luna says absemt mindedly.  she gets up and leaves. leaving only harry and I in the carriage. to say it was akward would be an understatement. 

I keep silent and stare out of the window.

"its strange" harry says breaking the silence "you dont have the french accent of a beauxbatons student"

"thats because my family are from around here. my aunt was a witch and went to beauxbatons. as soon as she knew I was a witch she made my parents send me to beauxbatons. she died last year so my parents agreed to send me here for my last year as it was closer to home" I explain. "my mother was a witch and she kept it from my dad"

"so what house do you think you will be in here" he asks.

"well my mother was a slytherin" I say as if remembering "she didnt tell me much about the houses though. I'll probably end up as a slytherin though."

he smiles sadly "you remind me of my friend" he says.

"the one that died" I ask.

"yeah. bellatrix malfoy. she was expected to be a slytherin because the rest of her family was" he says. "she was a gryffindore.  a real gryffindore. "

"we should probably get changed" he says after a moments silence "we'll be arriving at hogwarts soon"

after quickly changing in the girls toilets I hed back to the compartment to find harry was right. we were almost at hogwarts.

"look mia" he says pointing out the window "theres hogwarts"

I look out the window at the school I hadnt seen in months. the school I had suppisedly died at. the school I was supposedly buried outside of. 

bellatrix malfoy (sequel to dracos little sister)Where stories live. Discover now