chapter 11

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*I dont own any of the characters except bellatrix malfoy.

I dont leave draco's bedsode for week's. my conscience prevented me from leaving. it was all my fault he was in a coma. I had been questioned about what happened. I now sat beside him as I cried.

"im so sorry draco" I whisper "I should have done something. I should have just died that night.  I shouldnt have came back to hogwarts. I should have let you forget me"

the tears dont stop for about half an hour. when they finally do george walks in.

"come on trixie. we need to get you some food a change of clothes and a shower" he says gently. as if I was 2 years old.

'im not hungry" I mutter.

"it wasnt a question" he replies pulling me up to my feet. I have no energy left to fight against him so im forced to leave the room.

we exit st mungos and apparate to malfoy manor.

my mother was at st mungos so she wouldnt be home.

I sit down on the couch numbly.

"come on trixie" george says exasperated "you have to eat something. get changed and have a shower. draco wouldnt want you to be like this"

I dont reply. instead im staring up at the picture of the two of us. draco and I.

"for merlins sake" he grumbles "trixie stop feeling sorry for yourself and get ready"

"im not feeling sorry for myself george." I yell at him "but its all my fault he's lyig in that bed. so dont you dare say im feeling sorry for myself"

im crying by that point. I seemed to be doing that a lot. before the war it was rare. now. well now everything was my fault.

as the saying goes some are born great,others acheive greatness,and others have greatness thrust upon them

he pulls me into a hug and I just callapse. "come on trixie. lets get you ready" he mutters. he leads me up a set of stairs until we finally enter my room.

he leaves once im in my bedroom.

I lean against the door for a moment before grabbing some clothes and heading for a shower.

I climb out of the shower and my hand runs across my scar on my stomach. the one that should have killed me.

I quickly slip on some clothes and walk downstairs to find george in the main livving room where the entrance to the dungeons were.

he is staring at a spot of faded blood that would never really clear up.

"hey" I mutter walking up to him "sorry about earlier. I overeacted"

"you didnt trixie" he says "an owl came whilst you were in the shower."

he nods towards two peices of parchment.

I unroll the first to find it is from harry.

we have all agreed you need a distraction. and seeing as you enjoyed  flying and im the quidditch captain. a place has come up and you are filling it. before you protest read the other note.

I pick up the other parchment in frustration.

bellatrix malfoy
due to your health records you are to take up two of the following activities.
1. muggle sewing club
2. potions club
3. quidditch
4. astronomy club.
5. helping madame hooch with first year flying lessons.
refusal to carry up any of these activities would result in an expelsion from the school and no work refrences.

I growl in frustration.

"whats wrong" george asks.

"im beig forced to join two clubs" I mutter. "come on. I suppose I better get back to hogwarts" I say.

I grab his arm and we apparate into hogwarts castle thankfully not into mcgonnigals classroom this time.

I cant help but laugh slightly.

george gives me a curious look. just as I realise where we were.

we were standing in the middle of the gryffindore dinner table and george had his foot stuck in a bowl of mashed potatoes.

again neville has toppled back in his chair.

"really got to stop doing that" I state climbing down off the table.

"well. you certainly know how to make an entrance trixie" harry mutters.

"sorry nev" I say helpig him up.

"its fine trixie" he says stuttering slightly.

"please.  take a seat both of you" professor mcgonnigal says. george and is it down on two of the seats and everyone resumes eating.

"im getting the feeling you got the owls" harry jokes.

"you think" I say sarcaetically "but ok fine ill take up the position. now I just need to get madame hooch to let me help her with the younger ones"

"I thought that would be what you hose. I asked for you and she agreed." harry states smirking.

"oh it was a close tie" I joke "I almost chose to join the muggle sewing club"

they laugh andfor thefirst time I forget everything. I forget faking my death. I forget the war. I forget the threats hanging over me. I even forget about draco.

I laugh alon with my friends and I feel like an ordinary witch.

george beside me is smiling proudly. I glance up at the teachers table half of which is staring at us in wonder. mcgonnigal looks almost proud as we sit there. laughing and joking.

it was one of the best if not the best moments of my life and if I could have frozen time and lived in that one time for ever I would. but all good things have to come to an end. the cause of this one came in the form of an owl

bellatrix malfoy (sequel to dracos little sister)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant