chapter 4

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I wake up screaming my head off.

madame pomfrey is by my side in an instant. 

"miss wilson you have to calm down" she states

"s...sorry" I mutter as I control my screams.

I push myself up a little so im sitting rather than lying down. I was in the hospital wing. somewhere I was all to use to being.

"w..what happened?" I ask.

"it seems you passed out" she says "have you been getting enough sleep recently. you seem extremely tired"

"not really" I answer truthfully "ive been so worried about NEWTS exams that I havent slept much" the last part was a lie.

"I see" she mutters "well miss wilson you will have to stop worrying about your NEWTS and get some rest. NEWTS arent for months yet. I suggest you go straight back to your dorm and get some rest"

"I will" I reply "can I go now"

"yes" she say simply.

thanking her I leave the hospital wing heading for gryffindore tower.

I enter the room quietly and harry ginny hermione ron and neville look up at the sound of the swishig portrait.

"thank god" ginny says crushing me into a hug. "what did madame pomfrey say happened"

"lack of sleep" I reply. "I havent slept very well recently. im goimg straight to bed now"

ginny just nods. I smile at the others before heading up to the tower.

I let out a sigh of releif and grab some pjs. I really was shattered. I climbed onto the bed and was out like a light.

winter turned into summer and the weather began to ger warmer. whilst on the weekend the others could be found wearing shorts and tshirt I was always in long sleeved shirts and trousers.

"come on mia ou have to be roasting in that" hermione says sporting a tshirt and skirt.

"nope"i say simply she sighs in frustration before goig back to messig around with the others.

I was beggining to think I had made a mistake in pretending I had died. theur had been no signs of anything dark or sinister. The only lead I had was the talk I had heard from other death eaters.

I sighed and looked back down at the book I was reading

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