CHAPTER 6 - Adrian's Brother or New Enemy?

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#hey guys I hope you enjoy the story. It's in third persons P.O.V#


Dana turn around only to meet to a pair of electric blue eyes whose owner had irritated her.




'What the hell is wrong with this girl. Once I thought of her as an angel.But now I know the devil she truly is.' Emberth thought

'What the hell is this boy's problem. Why does he always choose the wrong side. God I hate him so much' Dana thought.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" Emberth said taking Morgan away from Dana's hold.

"What the hell I'm I? What the hell are you doing?" Dana said

"Trying to save someone whose being hurt without a reason." Emberth said

"Reason? Don't give me that bullshit. There is no need of a reason in her case. Don't tell me you believe her bullshit. You know what your just like her. Cheap." Dana said.

"Cheap? I am cheap? well I am anything but cheap but I would call you cheap. Hurting someone whose innocent? Your not only selfish or mean but also ruthless you have no mercy." Emberth said and Dana rolled her eyes.

"Dude listen she is anything but innocent. It would be better if before doing you would try to know what actually happened. And my friend is none of the things you said." Nyla said.

"Leave it Nyla both of them are same. This guy is impossible to deal with let's leave." Dana said and left with Nyla following.

"Dude try thinking about what I said. You should know what really happened before doing something." Nyla said politely. She glared Morgan and left.

"Are you okay?" Em asked Morgan. "Yeah I am alright. She just always behave like that and all. Thank you" Morgan said and after that Em left.

'I can't help thinking about what that girl Nyla said' Em thought.

Suddenly he heard someone screaming. And went there only to found two girls being captivated by three boys one of the girls was fighting well and could look after her self but the other one had some wounds so Em went to help them he fight the boy who had the wounded girl and after that he helped the other girl.

"Are you both alright?" Em asked. "Yeah" they said in unison."Thank god. You guys should be careful." Em said.

"Hey Bro"Adrian said and joined the trio." I see you have already met Pearl and Anna" " Not really" Em said. "I am Pearl" the wounded girl said. "And I am Anna" said the other girl. "Ad you know him?" Pearl asked. "Yeah I forgot to tell you. It's my brother Emberth also called Em." Ad said. " Pleasure meeting you" Anna said and Pearl nodded.

" Pearl what the hell happened?" Ad asked seeing her wounds.

"Nothing just got into a fight and your brother saved us." Pearl replied.

Suddenly Pearls Phone rang." Sorry I need to take it"

(N for Nyla and P for Pearl)

N: Hey Pearl I need your help. Listen Dana is really pissed off right now. I need you to come and help me calm her down. We would meet up with the group at lunch.

P: What? Alright I am coming. Try to calm her down. I am on my way. Bye

N: Hurry up. Bye.

"Sorry guys I need to leave" Pearl said. "Wait what happened why are you tensed" Em asked.

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