
588 29 61

10:30 pm, NYC, USA

"Mornin' to you, Kiku!"

"Ohayo, Alfred-san."

"So... are we good?"

"Yes, but... (whispers) Don't think I will forget."

"...I'm still scared. Anyways! So uh... I just realized we haven't finished our game of Any Three Questions. Wanna continue?"

"Alright. Let me lock my room first so Im Yong will not interrupt this time."

"Okie dokie."



"Okay then, you start. We both have two questions left, right?"

"Actually, I never answered your question so you still have three."

"Alright. Go ahead."

"Um... favorite color?"

"Hmm... that's difficult to decide but maybe... blue... like the sky on a clear day or the ocean on a perfectly sunny day."

"Ooh, nice. Your turn."

"Um... I just realized that I do not know your full name. If you don't mind... um..."

"Easy! It's Alfred Freedom Jones!"

"Is 'Freedom' your actual name?"


"Well then..."

"Okay... so I'm down to one question... I should use this wisely."

"What do you want to know?"

"Uh... well... you're Japanese but then you live with your Chinese cousins... how does that work and how do you all understand each other?"

"Oh. Well... we spend Christmases and Summers in Japan and the rest of the months are spent in China. And uh... well I've had to learn Mandarin and Korean while they had to do the same with Japanese... but most of the time, we just speak English."

"Oh wow. So you can speak uh... FOUR LANGUAGES?!"


"WOAH! THAT'S SO COOL! Could you teach me someday?"

"If I could."

"Yay! And... those are all my questions. Your turn! You've got two left!"

"Uh... your favorite anime isn't Boku No Pico, right?"

"HELL NO! It's Boku No Hero Academia!"

"(Sighs) Thank God. I thought..."

"What's so bad about Boku No Pico anyway?"



"You don't... know?

"Nope. Matthew just warned me."

"Anyways... last question..."

"Ask carefully."

"I really can't think of one."

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