"I like how we met." She admitted while pulling the sheet closer to her skin. "I'll never forget turning around and seeing you after your personal comments and questions about the location of my Prince poster."

"Oh yeah? Were you smitten as I was?"

"Well I don't know about smitten as much as shocked and, to be honest, a bit disoriented. I mean seeing you singley in front of me at a bookstore is a lot different than in concert amongst a sea of people."

"Much more...intimate." He said sweeping the hair on her neck and finding her sweet spot behind her ear.

He confessed breathily, "I watched you the entire evening...sitting upstairs...in a chair...out of your sight...thinking about how to introduce myself to you."

While he divulged and assailed her with wet kisses she couldn't help but note her response to his every touch and lick. Her body knew full well who its master was and she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

What Noelle knew is that you don't get very many moments like this, where you get to feel this alive...where she could feel her breath enter and exit her lungs and as he took her breath away. She tried to slow herself down in an attempt to make the moment last a bit longer.

His hardness was throbbing against her right butt cheek and he moaned as his hands continued to explore her, pleased with everything his fingertips encountered.

"I wanna love you again." He uttered softly in her ear while his hands made their own love to her.

A whimper broke as she tried to get control of her breathing again.

"I need to be inside you again, feeling you move and pulse, not leaving an inch of you untouched."

"Oooh geezus." She breathily expired as a low and broken moan emitted from her lips at the thought of him burrowing deep inside her again.

His gravelly and gentle voice made her love weep in anticipation of him. Keeping her eyes closed, a very pleased expression curved her lips as she arched her back and eased her right hand behind her, pulling him close, soft kisses graced the side of her neck as she made her way through his hair.

"Oh bébé vit en moi." She proclaimed in an exhale.

"Mmmm... 'Oh baby live inside me' huh?" He teased. "That doesn't leave much to my imagination." Slipping his finger inside her, "You want me... here?"

She groaned and covered her face a bit embarassed that he knew what she muttered a bit unconsciously, "Oh damn, I didn't know you knew French?"

"Enough to know what you just said...come on Noelle...talk dirty with me."

Slipping in between her legs from behind, he drew her thigh upward, gliding forward to start at her beginning slightly cupping her soft, fleshy mound to then ease back and feel how ready she was for him.

"J'ai envie de toi," She begged.

"Oh baby I want you too." He murmured softly caressing her inner thigh.

Easing over her velvety wetness he grunted, "Hey mon minou chat."

Eyes popping open at his slutty reference, "Did you just say, 'Hey my kitty cat?'"

"You betcha." Biting her earlobe with a snarl.

She could tell he was grinning from ear to ear. "You went from a slutty French sailor comment to a typical Minnesotan accent, quite a contrast." She laughed, shifting to lay on her back.

"Typical? Honey there's nothing typical about me and I promise..."

"Ssshhh," hushing him, covering his lips with two of her fingers.

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