Chapter 22 - The Sick

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Sunday is usually a funday, but preparing for manic Monday is what Noelle had to start doing beginning about noon.

Considering these two were up most of the night literally bowing to one another's every need, again, noon was typically rise time for them but she continued to let Prince sleep.

Tomorrow was officially Noelle's first full day back to work after the book tour. She needed to prepare by reviewing all her clients for the week and the status of their therapy since she last saw them. Some clients decided to take a break from therapy while Noelle was on tour, while others saw Chantal.

While Noelle hunkered down in her office, she realized sleepy turned into grumpy when he did rise. Prince had a right to be unhappy as he was sneezy and still sleepy from the night before, in which he was so not bashful. It was apparent that Prince had caught a cold and needed some medicine. Heading quickly to the pharmacy, she purchased him some Nyquil which, by all accounts and purposes, made him dopey so he fell back to sleep.

Noelle's favorite pot became the medicinal solution for Prince's ailments, chicken soup. When she visited the pharmacy, she also stopped by the market and picked up supplies.

A light condensation formed on the windows of her apartment signaling cooking was in progress. Flavorful smells of chicken, vegetables and a variety of her favorite secret spices permeated the apartment eventually rousing Prince from his slumber.

Shuffling out from the bedroom boyishly disheveled, Noelle couldn't help but feel sorry for him. His red, stuffy nose, slight cough and swollen red eyes met her gaze...along with his open pajama top and low slung pants that made her blush, he noticed too.

"Don't you worry, I'll be out of commission for just a couple of days. I'll be back to chasing you in no time." He said jokingly with a wink.

"You making soup?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah. I stopped by the market on my way back from the pharmacy." Stirring the monstrous pot she watched him settle in on the sofa.

"You went to the pharmacy?" He asked looking more than confused.

"Yeah. Don't you remember taking some Nyquil?" Noelle was wide eyed at how out of it he was.

"You didn't have to make soup. I'll be better in a few days it's just a cold." He was minimizing his condition because he sounded and looked awful.

Him sitting on the sofa, quickly turned into leaning on the sofa and then laying down on the sofa. She frowned watching him in such a vulnerable state.

"Prince...honey...I made you some tea." Gently she shook his shoulder, but the Nyquil had knocked him out again. Taking the warm, fluffy throw, she covered him tenderly finishing off with briefly touching his curls and forehead.

Sipping the tea she made for him and stirring the pot one last time before turning it down to low, Noelle detached her laptop cord and brought it to the breakfast bar to work and keep an eye on him.

He slept all afternoon. As much as she hated seeing him sick, she loved the soft hum of his snore and taking care of him. Even though Noelle knew she wasn't ready for marriage, it was a glimpse of everyday life and she had to admit she enjoyed the feel of it.

By now it was 7 p.m. and she began to move some items to the hall bathroom and spare bedroom. She laid out her clothes and packed up her bag for the office.

He was still sleeping.

Finally, she decided to wake him hoping fluids and something to eat might revive him.

" want you to have some soup."

His eyes barely cracked and a moan bellowed from deep within his throat.

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