Chapter 7 - Jealous vs Territorial

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Arriving at Noelle's hotel room door, there was a hush that she couldn't hide about seeing Jack tonight. Unlocking the door with the keycard, Prince opened the door and had her enter first.

While she was tired, she was also upset thinking about the past she just assume leave behind.

When Jack and Noelle got back together, she thought it was for good, especially since he had asked her to marry him. With an extravagant four carat diamond, a wedding planned and family already in town a week in advance of the nuptials, the last thing Noelle ever thought of was having to cancel her wedding.

The shame and embarassment she felt was more than she could ever bear. Her parents were distraught, but once they found out why, Jack was never permitted back in their home...ever. Their primary concern has always been Noelle's happiness.

Those were dark days that made her feel very unloved and worried that a forever was not in the cards for her.

Was she even worthy? As a therapist she knew her thoughts were hogwash, but she's still a woman and it was only natural to feel that way, especially after such a betrayal.

Even though all of this was over five years ago, Noelle still hadn't met a man who she envisioned a life with...not a forever love.

With a flick of each foot, Prince removed his shooties and plopped onto the sitting chair, flipped his legs over the arm, brushed his fingers across his lower lip and started to talk.

"Ok here's what I know. We're suddenly dating, which while it's news to me, I'm not complaining. Jack is a jackass and you are noticeably shaken when he's near. I think now is as good a time as any for you to tell me a story because...I'm purely speculating and Jack were once involved.

"You're a regular Sherlock Holmes you know that?" She tried to joked attempting to lighten the mood.

She was more than distracted. That piled on with a sudden comfort with Prince, she was behaving like she had known Prince longer than she had.

Not thinking, she hiked up her dress a bit and unfastened her hosiery from the garter belt right in front of Prince.

Swallowing hard, Prince leaned forward to get a good look as he was more than a bit interested. The lovely vision before him caused a heat in Prince, so he loosened his tie and dress shirt top button to help alleviate his sudden sizzle. His eyes were thrilled to follow her legs up until the hosiery met the belt at the bottom of her dress.

"Tha- that' nice you wear garters and hosiery." Prince said licking his lips while she slipped the hosiery off the first leg. "Ma- many girl- women don't anymore. It's s- so beautiful." Almost salivating like one of Pavlov's dogs, his one hand swiped across his bottom lip while the other rubbed his neck and then wiped his brow.

Noelle was oblivious to what she was doing to him, so consumed with her thoughts and speaking out loud.

"Maybe I should move hotels, but I'm only here for two more nights." She said and then plunked down on the desk chair unfastening the other stocking.

"Come stay with me, I have a two bedroom suite." He graciously offered excited at the thought of having her stay with him.

"What would I tell my publisher? Won't they wonder why I moved since they're paying for everything?"

"You bumped into a friend and..."

"Oh I dont know." She interupted rubbing her temples trying to sort through the turmoil in her head.

Seeing her so caught up in her thoughts, he scooted forward wanting to console her and show her some reassuring affection, she needed it too.

Prince took her hand and pulled her onto his lap. She was a little like a ragdoll right now and he loved how unguarded this situation had made her. Gently she laid her head on his shoulder, making him melt as she found comfort in his care. All he could do was muster four words, "Tell me the story."

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