Chapter 32 - Word Association

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Snowed in, curled up on the sofa together reading...well...Noelle was. Prince played with her waves, flip them left right, right left and then under his nose to smell her pretty shampoo.

His hand held a book pretending to read but his mind was transfixed with wonder. Why would she hold the secret of losing a baby so close to her chest? Not even Marissa...hell her mother...they have a great relationship from what he could tell.

"Ya know..." An idea came to him on how to possibly get her yammering.

"Hmmm?" Noelle readjusted her lean on him to look in his eyes. "Damn..." She whispered and quick to look away causing Prince to smile.

Those constant bedroom eyes were a freight train to a constant battle of what her body wanted and what her mind was telling her. The lines could become so blurry between the two. She wanted everything verbally settled...but just like last night...the darkness and their touches were a gateway to what they both desired.

"Lately I've been tossing around writing my memoir." Waiting to see if Noelle would bite.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah...what do you think about that?" Tilting is head to the side to see little more of her pretty profile.

"Well you've been very private for the majority of your life. Revealing a lot about yourself can make you feel like a naked ostrich."

"A what?" He smiled and chuckled.

"A naked ostrich. They're a very awkward bird to begin with, throw on those little feathers and it's downright revealing."

"I have a great idea." Impressed with himself and ready to share.

"I hope it's food because I'm hungry."

"Noelle I just made you a gouda grilled cheese sandwich not but an hour ago. Do you have a tapeworm?"

"No. Can't a girl be hungry? I thought you liked my appetite."

"I'm not complaining about your appetite." Especially not the woman I love with our precious cargo he thought to himself.

" did you decide what went into your book? Did you start with an outline? Dive right in to the writing?"

"Gosh I did a little of both I guess."

"I'm just kind of afraid I'll expend all this energy on chapters and then have second thoughts on the writing or maybe I decide I don't want to include it."

"Second thoughts can happen all the time that's just a part of writing. You have to know that with all your songwriting. You sometimes have multiple drafts or scrap the heap and keep one sentence that starts a whole new train of thought. That's all a part of writing no matter what it is...a song, a letter, a book I would think."

"Yeah but chapters are different, that's a whole pile of work versus just a page of song scribble. You can't just ditch a chapter, can you?"

Resting her head back getting more comfortable on his chest his nose dove into her hair pressing a kiss.

"There were chapters I chose to not include in my book."

"Oh yeah? Why is that?"

"Lots of reasons..."

"Like what? May I read them?" He wasn't going to let her off that easy.

"Well...sometimes there are frivolous chapters that in retrospect I think added nothing to the value of the book."

"Is that it?"

"Or that took the book into another direction that wasn't the focus of the book."

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