Chapter 9 - Rome

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"Damn." Prince thought out loud. Laying on his bed thinking about what it must have been like to have that kind of a revelation the week of your wedding, devastating.

"Gosh her friend Marissa was put in a difficult spot too. Who wants to bring that kind of destruction to a friend's life and watch it implode. She probably trusted Jack to tell Noelle, but when it was evident he wasn't, she had to speak up. Tough...tough all around."

Prince attended Noelle's book signing the day after Christmas. He now understood why her publisher picked that day because it was packed with people milling about as well and doing returns and exchanges. It was very well attended and she looked gorgeous and happy interacting with her readers.

He spotted Jack sitting in the audience, who had the audacity to submit a question to Noelle for the question and answer segment. Thankfully, Prince signed an autograph for the gal who collected the questions and removed his piece of paper from the mix.

Once he slipped back into the magazine area, he opened the folded paper and read his handwritten question, 'Will you ever forgive Jonathon for what he did to you?'

Placing his gum in the middle of the paper is how Prince responded to his question while mumbling. "Who the hell knows what she'd say to this, but I sure as hell don't."

At the end of the signing, Prince contemplated going up to have her sign his book, but was nervous about what her reaction might be considering their last interaction. He felt bad about it, especially since he didn't know her story. Jumping to conclusions is never a good thing.

Hanging around, Prince watched Jack until it was apparent that he was going to get in line to speak with Noelle. Prince cut him off by the cafe.

"Now what are you doing?" Prince said with a smug look.

"I just want to speak with her briefly."

"It's not advisable. Let me buy you a muffin and show you out."

"I just want to ask her for forgiveness."

"What would your wife think about you being here and wanting to speak with a former flame?"

He sighed and shook his head. "Noelle was more than a former flame, we were engaged to be married."

"Exactly which is why you should be thinking about how your wife might feel knowing you were trying to connect with your former fiancee. Look, you reek of drama and a headache, just stay away from Noelle." Prince said coyly.

"You seem a little threatened that
I'm here."

"Threatened?'s just I do believe she cancelled her subscription to your crazy more than five years ago so she has a right to move on and never see you again. She more than served her time with you, not once but twice."

Jack took a step to walk around Prince, but he matched his step and blocked him.

Rolling his eyes, "Tell her I'm sorry...ok? Just..."

"Al B. Sure..." Prince said with a straight face as he watched Jack walk out the door to then finish his sentence, "...wore acid washed denim in his Night and Day video. Al B. Sure to not share a damn thing with her too." He said with a swagger while blowing a kiss Noelle's way.

Snapping his head to the side he huffed while walking out the door, "I take care of you baby girl and you don't even know it." Chuckling to himself, he exited the book store and headed back to his hotel.


Prince had it bad, wanting to talk to her, hold her hand, kiss her lips which he had yet to taste. They would be bound together for the flight to Rome, sitting side by side...that's what he was holding onto right now. Hoping the sweetness of his apology would overwhelm her.

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