Chapter 11- A Thief Or A Hero?

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To anyone who's reading, I finally updated after months of brain block. As in my brain was literally blocked from storymaking. It sucked, but i spend a great time with my wife and ex (feel free to ask) so it wasn't a total loss. Oh, why am i yammering. Here's a little sweetness... sort of.


The next day, Cris, E.J. and Zen, along with Momono and Pisces headed to the Fepi Tribe with the help of Persephone, who had been exploring the Random Meadows for a really long time and was responsible for actually discovering the highly evasive and secretive tribe.

 They were in the cool carriage again, and everyone was minding his or her own business when the carriage suddenly stopped.

"What, are we there already?" Zen asked.

"Nope, i can see wild beasts outside," Persephone was peaking through a window,"And a powerful magic user. I think maybe it's Finola."

"We got to get out of here," E.J. said.

"You go," Pisces said determinedly," I'll show her who she's dealing with."Then she got out.

"Go and hide, in the woods," Cris said, right behind her," We'll meet up with you soon."

"Wait up!" Persephone got out as well.

There was no time to argue. E.J., Zen and Momono got out on the other side of the carriage and ran straight for the woods.No one stopped until they were hopelessly lost and tired.

"Well this is great," Momono said," We're lost, aren't we?"

"Shh," E.J. stood up straight, looking around,"There's someone here." She unsheathed her sword, the Blessing of Aira, and it glowed deep blue.

"Hey!"Momono was siezed by the hand by some unknown person, and a dagger was near her throat.

"Drop it, girl," this new person said. She was a woman of about thirty, perhaps, with black hair cut short just below her chin, and brownish green clothes.

Five other men, dressed the same colors, appeared, surrounding the three girls.

E.J. looked ready to let out some steam, but she took a deep shaky breath and sheathed her sword.

"You are trespassers," the woman said," You will be brought to the Master and interrogated."

E.J. glared a her," I didn't know you owned the woods."

"Not all, but this part of woods are ours," the woman gave a wry smile," Welcome to the Thieve's Nest, little girl."

E.J. glared at her but followed when the 3 of them were led somewhere, surrounded by scary looking thieves.

After half an hour or so, they arrived at what looked like a mix of houses and thick forest. They passed about 20 of these bizzare treehouses until they entered a door cleverly concealed by the brown background.

Inside, it was nothing like a treehouse. It resembled a modern day office, minus the machines and office papers. And the windows.

Behind the polished wooden desk, sat a guy that sent waves of arousal through E.J.'s body that she'd only read in books and watched in shows.

The guy had wheat gold hair and blue eyes peeking from a green mask that hid half his face. He had on a friendly grin, although a flicker of emotion passed through his eyes when he looked at E.J.

"Orik, Master of Thieves," the girl said," They were trespassers. And they're with HER as you can see."

Orik, Master of Thieves, laughed heartily, a sound more wonderful than the first touch of spring. It made E.J.'s heart melt. Almost.

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