Chapter 1- I'm a Wizard

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Cris wiped the sweat away and sighed heavily. He was dreaming about it again. it had been 2 yrs since the 'accident' but Cris kept dreaming about it over and over every night. Things have been so hard after that. He had spent a year going from one orphanage to another because they always seem to find him as trouble, until he fed a black cat some cookies and his aunt, Mildred Blue, miraculously appeared, claiming him. He had trouble trusting her at first, but ever since then, he had lived with her and kept the cat, which he named Skit.

This was mostly because not one week after he had moved in with her, Aunt Milly brought him to her enourmous personal library and said", Cris, you have to understand me, ok? I'm a wizard. Now I have to ask you, do you want to be one too?"

After a while, Cris learnt that that was how blunt and straightforward his Aunt was.

Cris thought she was joking at first, but she looked VERY serious. So he had nodded and said", Okay, Auntie."

So here he was, in his own room, in Aunt Mildred's house, where he learned to use magic. He can read okay now, because of one of his Aunt's spells, even though there was one little condition for the spell to work, so he started going to school.

It was Friday, and also the last day of school. Cris got excited and started his daily morning routine before he went downstairs. Aunt Mildred was already sitting in front of the table in the kitchen having coffee while reading a spellbook. She looked up and smiled when Cris approached.

 "Good morning Auntie," Cris said as he sat down and started eating the pancakes already prepared for him.

"It's your last day at school," Aunt Mildred said, smiling, " Are you sure your ok? You don't want to sit this one out?"

"Im fine, Auntie," Cris said," if anything goes wrong, I'll come right home."

 "Good," Aunt Mildred said, though she didn't seem convinced,"After you finish your pancakes, you should get going. We don't want you to be late." She gave a slight chuckle as she left the room.

"OK," Cris said, finishing his breakfast and grabbing his bag and then running for school. Skit followed right away.

In school, Cris was very much treated like any normal, unpopular kid. Though he had people to hang out with, like Kimberly and Sean, there were still persistent bullies who just seemed to enjoy annoying him.

"Look!" Daniel said to his mean friends",Its the boy with the black cat!! Stay away, bad luck!!"

Cris just ignored him because saying anything might prvoke him, and he wasn't going to have to explain himself to an idiot who didn't know what he was saying. He owed his life to Skit and he never ever wanted to hurt her feelings. Of course he believed animals have feelings. He suspected it was because of the magic, then again maybe it wasn't.

He just ran all the way to his classroom, where Sean and Kimberly were waiting.

"Cris!" Kimberly greeted," Hi there!! Wanna play cards?"She was a nice girl, though she was weird sometimes.

"Hey, Cris!" Sean said, cool as always," So how do you want to spend your last day with me before summer?" Sean was a bit popular in his own right, but nobody cared that he hung out with them.

Cris smiled,"Hi, guys. I want to spend this day nice and easy."

Things went great for Cris, and the only downside he saw was the fact that he had to keep his address hidden, because Aunt Mildred lived in a rather secluded place and so he can never have his friends over. He was definitely going to miss them over the summer. Kim was flying all the way to Japan, and Sean was planning to go to Swtzerland. He was planning to stay home and study spells.

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