Chapter 6- Here Comes The Bad Guys

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 E.J. and Zen met Cris at the school cafeteria after the talk with Clarissa.

"So?" E.J. asked

"We got a ride for tomorrow," Cris answered.

"Why tomorrow?" Zen asked", We still have plenty of time today, right?" Though it was clear that she liked the idea of staying longer.

"I have to take care of something first," Cris said as he caught sight of Linux waving over to him.

"Spoken like a true Blue," Linux said." So make sure you're ready for later. I'd love to see if you're as fun as Katie." Then he strutted off in the direction of two ladies who walked past, not even waiting for a reply.

"What did he mean by that?" E.J. asked.

"It's strange," Cris was consumed in his own thoughts to answer though", I thought they would talk to you, E.J. since you're the oldest... hmmn..."

"Answer me!" E.J. said," What the heck happened in there?"

"Linux and I have a fight later," Cris explained, snapping to attention", That's why we will go tomorrow."

"And you agreed to this why?" E.J. asked skeptically.

"I didn't," Cris answered," Clarissa did. I sorta had no choice."


Later that day...

Cris and Linux stood in the middle of the school's summoning field. It was at least an acre big, with a barrier protected fence along it's perimeter. The whole school's population was gathered by the sidelines, excited to witness a battle against Myowwo's greatest sorcerer and a self proclaimed wizard boy.

"Are you ready?" Linux asked. he was facing Cris and looking as smug as a cat.

"I think so," Cris answered, feeling abit of nervousness creep in.

"Today we witness a fight between Linux and Cris," Clarissa said, acting as referee and/or announcer", No killing please.  First one to fall down loses. That means stay on your feet or stay on the air as long as you stay up anything legal goes. Ready? Go!!"

Linux started with a wind spell and he defied gravity, floating up at least ten feet in the air", Come on, Cris," he said," your move."

Cris stared at him for five minutes before raising his hand and shouting," Pejifixmemja!" and a dark cloud settled itself over Linux. the cloud released a giant thunder bolt that should have fried Linux if he hadn't flown out of the way.

"My turn," Linux  smiled mischieviously and chanted," hapay ni yoxique. hapay naw aquabir. hapay ni..." water seeped from the ground and linux smiled triumphantly as he balled his hand to a fist, still chanting. Then he punched the air in front of him and the water became a giant wave that quickly rushed to attack Cris.

"Oh no!" E.J. said, watching from the sidelines and a strange feeling welled up inside her. Cris wasn't moving from his spot, but E.J. caught his gaze and knew instantly  that he was sending a message. he was saying," it's okay. don't lose control, E.J." she didn't know what the last part meant but  she relaxed with the way the message felt. It felt sincere, something E.J. rarely felt from anyone.

Meanwhile, Linux was getting suspicous," Make a move, Cris," he said, or rather, shouted over the roar of the water", or you'll lose."

"I won't" Cris said and right before the wall of water hit, he shouted," zixal !!" and the wall of water stopped", e on xefi nozaxiqua ah opipinimix. adiw ni."

The wall started falling, then stopped. It reformed into a giant water hand, which reached up and grabbed Linux by his foot. Then it pulled downward.

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