"I'm proud," Jack eyed her plate and then her as if waiting for her to either throw up or fall asleep in her chair.

"You should be. I'm a beast," she grinned, yawning and rubbing her eyes. "I think I'm gonna go back for seconds." I widened my eyes in shock and Allison winked at me as she stood up, walking over to the buffet. That girl's metabolism wasn't normal. I watched her walk over, my eyes drifting from her to the groups of people just now entering the room.

Makenna and Grey.

She was wearing her short black sundress, undoubtedly in an effort to gain his attention, whereas he looked the same as he had earlier. Black leather jacket, dark jeans, heathered tee. His midnight hair somehow looked even darker in this light, his piercing blue eyes standing out even more now. The focus of the room drifted to him, as it had in Chemistry earlier today. But his eyes searched the room, landing on mine with a slow smirk growing on his lips. I clenched my jaw in irritation, scowling and turning away.

I wish he hadn't noticed me. Why did he have to notice me? Why did I have to look over there?

"Who's that guy with your big?" Jack asked, slowly turning back to face me. It seemed like even he was mesmerized by Grey.

"His name is Grey," I mumbled, angrily swirling pasta around my fork. I could feel Jack eyeing me, as if he knew there were more to the story.

"Do you know him?" Jack questioned, raising an eyebrow. I brought my pasta to my lips, taking a slow bite.

"Unfortunately," I replied as I finished chewing, angrily swirling more pasta around my fork and taking another bite.

"If you want to leave, I'll cover for you. I can see how uncomfortable he makes you," Jack suggested and I shook my head. I wasn't weak, and I wasn't about to explain what Grey reminded me of. I wasn't going to be affected by his presence and I wasn't going to let him make me leave my own dining room. This was my sorority. If anyone was leaving, it would be him.

"It's fine. He's just not a great guy. Rude. Condescending. The usual," I mumbled, stuffing some veggies in my mouth. Allison plopped back down; cheerier than ever as she eyed her refilled plate with joy. Both her and Jack's gaze drifted several feet above me, and Allison stopped her chewing. When I noticed their expressions, I turned around, looking up.

Speak of the devil. Grey.

"Is this seat taken?" His cerulean blue eyes bore down into mine, twinkling with amusement as if he were intrigued to see how I'd react.

"Yes," I replied dismissively, turning back around to face Jack and Allison. I clenched my jaw as I felt the table move a little when Grey sat next to me anyways. I looked up at them, hoping they might distract me. I didn't want to run away from my problems, which had somehow manifested as an angsty guy in a leather jacket. To my dismay, it seemed as though Jack and Allison would be of little help, given that they were still staring at Grey like dumbfounded idiots.

"I thought you were here with Makenna," I grumbled annoyedly, giving up on the two idiots sitting in front of me and trying to play nice.

"Jealous?" I didn't need to see him to know he was smirking, wanting me to fluster at the accusation.

"It was a statement, Grey, I couldn't care less," I replied in a monotone voice. Allison and Jack's eyes turned to me, wide. What was their deal? There was a moment of silence, and for a second, I'd wondered if maybe Grey had realized that I didn't want him here and was leaving. I made the mistake of turning and looking at him, only to find those eyes already staring back at me.

"You know my name," he narrowed his eyes at me, the incessant flirtation replaced by a sudden suspicion. I made a face and swirled my pasta lazily around my fork.

GreyWhere stories live. Discover now