Chapter 15

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Me-hello everyone


Me-today we have some more requests from more wonderful people


Me-first temtem33 dares Zane and Katelyn to do the Oreo roulette challenge

Katelyn-oh no

Zane-why me?




Me-now lets begin

Hey everyone sorry for interrupting your story but if you don't know what the Oreo roulette challenge is just look it up thanks

Me-Zane you go first


Zane picks up and Oreo

Zane-well it doesn't taste bad so...

Me-Katelyn your turn!

Katelyn-ok but before I take my go is it the first person to get two bad ones?

Me-yeah lets just do it like that


Katelyn grabs an Oreo and nearly dies

Katelyn-ew what is this?

Me-mustard *i say proudly*

Katelyn-this is disgusting

Me-hehe I know

All (except for Katelyn)-LOL!

Aph-but that seriously sounds horrible

Katelyn-ya think

Zane-moving on

Zane picks up another Oreo

Zane-I'm starting to like this game

Katelyn- you've got to be kidding me

Aaron-I don't think he is

Katelyn-you want to die?

Aaron-yes I do... WAIT NO I DONT!


Aaron-do you want to die?


Garroth-I think everyone wants to die


KC-hurry up


Aph-Katelyn pls don't lose

Katelyn-well that's kind of hard

Katelyn picks up an Oreo

Katelyn-so this one definitely isn't a normal Oreo but it doesn't taste bad

Me-well you still lose

Katelyn-wait no that's mustard


Katelyn- that is gross I am officially never eating an Oreo ever again

Me-well good for you next up we have a dare from TheChristmasNarwhal they dare everyone to sing a Disney villain song


Me-that's right

Hey everyone I hope you all enjoy the video I picked I think most of you with be familiar with the movie it's from

Me-ok well next we have a dare for Travis and Zane from purpleflamegirl

Zane-I think people love annoying me

Me-Travis you know when I told you you wouldn't be happy

Travis-oh no

Me-yeah well you have to make out with Zane for five chapters

Zane and Travis-WUT!

Me- lol

Random room appears

Zane & Travis enter and start making out

Me-well bye for now everyone

Hey everyone sorry for taking so long to update, yes purpleflamegirl I know I left out part of your dare out but I left it out so when five chapters has passed they will have to do the other thing for another five chapters but I'm going to make it one long chapter of them doing the thing instead of five also I'm not saying what the second part of the dare is until it is time. I am also bringing this book to a end, calm down calm down not just yet I still need to finish a few more requests and I am currently starting a new book that I hope to publish soon. I would like to mention myself and my BFF have made a shared account called partners-in-cryme that we will be writing books together on so please go and check it out, we also have our separate accounts but if you aren't following infamouslynotfamous please go ahead and follow her she is a really good author I would also like to say a big thank you to her for inspiring me to share a book with you all, I hope you are having a great day please remember to go check her account out and our shared account thank you so much.

Yeah I know I'm weird but this is probably the longest note I have left at the end of a chapter anyways bye everyone.

-Galaxy out

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