Chapter 6

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Me-*yawn*good morning everyone

All-good morning

Aph-are you ok Gal?

Me-yeah I just had a late night


Me-ok first we have *yawn* Garroth


Me-truth or dare?


Me-your dare is to kiss Cadenza

Aaron-but Cadenza isn't here

Me-no problemo *Poofs Cadenza to them*

Laurence-hey sis

Cadenza-hey everyone


Garroth-*blushes tomato red*

Cadenza-hey Garroth


Cadenza-are you ok?


Cadenza-ok anyways what am I doing here?

Me-you are here because Garroth has to kiss you and if you want you can stay for the chapter

Cadenza-ok but can I ask why does Garroth have to kiss me?

Me-because we are playing truth or dare and Garroth chose dare

Cadenza-oh ok then

Zane-Garroth can you just kiss her already


Garroth slowly walks up to Cadenza and kisses her then quickly goes back to his seat

Me-*dozes off*

Travis-now how are we going to continue?

Katelyn-well someone will just have to take over Galaxy's place

Laurence-can I do it?


Laurence-ok um... KC truth or dare?

KC-how about dare

Laurence-your dare is to kiss Zane

KC and Zane-*blushes*

KC and Zane kiss

Me-*slowly wakes up* hi everyone now I feel much better


Cadenza-you must have been extremely tired because you just dozed off

Me-yeah anyway Cadenza do you want to go next?


Me-truth or dare?


Me-do you like Garroth

Cadenza-I guess

Garroth-*blushes slightly*

Me-hey everyone I think we should end it here


Me-because I want to end it on some juicy stuff

Aph-ok then


Thank you all so much and please remember if there are any truth or dares you would like to see please tell me. I hope to see you all in the next chapter and if you like my book so far please vote on it so I know to keep writing more thank you.

-Galaxy out


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