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"Alright so let me get this straight, you kept something you knew was probably dangerous..."

Steve drifted off, trying to put together why Dustin would do what he did.

"just to impress a girl you just met?" Armani finished, dropping a piece of raw meat on the ground infront of her. She was infront of the two boys, her feet dragged on as she tried to stop from gagging at the smell of the meat.

"Okay, that's grossly oversimplifying things" Dustin shook his head.

"I mean why would a girl like some nasty slug anyways?" Steve asked.

Armani shrugged, "maybe she's into nature and weird animal alien things." She looked up, "i mean, i think it's gross, but she might not"

Dustin nodded in agreement. "It's awesome! It's an inter-dimensional slug"

Steve shrugged the two off.

"Well even if she thought it was cool, which she didn't, I just.. I just think you're trying way too hard, man" steve confessed.

"Well not everyone can have your perfect hair, alright?" Dustin retorted, causing Armani to stifle a laugh.

"It's not about the hair, man" Steve said, tossing a piece of the raw meat behind him.
"The key with girls is just..acting like you don't care" he finished, Armani looked back at him and rolled her eyes.

"Even if you do?" Dustin asked, "yeah exactly. It drives them nuts" Steve spoke expertly.

"That's not true." Armani interjected, turning around to walk backwards. "The only thing that will do is make sure she moves on to someone else."

"Well then what?"

"Then you wait, until uh– until you feel it" Steve nudged Dustins arm as Armani shook her head.

"Feel what?" Dustin asked.

"It's like just before its gonna storm you know. You can't see it, but you can feel it, like this uh– electricity, you know?" Steve continued.

"oh, like in the electro magnetic field when the clouds in the atmosphere–"

"no, no no no no. Like a...like a sexual electricity" Steve said, causing Armani to stop and groan.

"Steve, he's a kid. That is not something that's going to happen" she said.

"It will eventually" Steve shrugged, putting an arm around her "we're just prepping him for the world, alright."

Armani rolled her eyes, "go on then, Harrington."

"You feel that, and then you make your move" Steve said.

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