As Gemma walked towards the edged of the peer she saw the 13 candles lit and shaped like a heart, she saw 13 different flowers spell out her name and she saw Lucas standing at the edge of the peer dressed in black jeans, a white shirt and a black leather jacket and he too was wearing combat boots. "He wants to be one of those couples" she whispered to herself in cringe. Never the less she continued to walk up towards the peer until she reached the edge where he was standing. She looked up at him with her arms folded a scowl on her face and she said a simple "talk".  And all Lucas said was "sorry". This set Gemma off. "Is that all you're going to say? Sorry for what? For breaking me? For causing me so much pain? For blinding my eyes with tears that it caused me to be hit by a truck? For hurting me so much that I ended up in a coma for 4 months? For hurting me so much that I loose my memory? For getting me involved with Phoebe? For causing me to loose hope? Is that what you're sorry for? Or are you just sorry for the person that you are?

Lucas was dumbfounded, he had no clue on what to say next so he simply asked her "What was the worst part of me breaking you?" The worst part she thought. "The worst part is not feeling the loneliness of the darkness that fills every crack of your heart despite the emptiness you feel on the inside. The worst part was the realization that I had once again lost myself completely. As I lay awake at 2am and shook because I couldn't even cry anymore and not because I had cried too much no. It was because when your heart hardens on the inside you loose that ability to cry. I didn't cry because I lost my ability to care too" she said. And with that she took the 13 different food items and the 13 different chocolates, threw that roses into the ocean , blew Lucas a kiss and pranced off. He was going to have to do way more than this to make it up to her.

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