Chapter One: The Host Club

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Chapter One

Beedoo Beem. Flight C9 departing at -- is now boarding for Boston. Flight -- departing -- Boston.

The intercom over my head buzzed what seemed to be the same phrase over and over again, while I stood below searching the baggage belt for my missing luggage. My thoughts were too occupied to focus on what exactly it was saying, but I was able to clearly make out the word Boston. I sighed in content when thinking about the city that is home to the prestigious college. Not to mention the snow in winter, their New England cuisine, and all the great attractions that bring tourists in.

I continued to search the moving belt for a familiar purple suitcase, but nothing showed up! I silently prayed that it didn't get lost somehow. That case held all of my underwear, so if I didn't find it I was going to have to go commando until my dad could buy me some more. Just as I was about to lose hope, a miracle happened and I finally spotted my orchid colored suitcase.

"Hallelujah!" I cheered as I made my way over and grabbed it off the belt, "I don't have to go commando afterall!" my cheers of joy earned me a few weird looks from bystanders who happened to be near me. A woman even scooted her little daughter behind her as if she had been planning to do that from that beginning. Blushing from embarassment, I gathered the rest of my things and left in search of my dad.

"You got your stuff Manami?" he asked when I found him. I nodded and we left to find a cab. Once we were outside I took my first breathe of Japan. My new home from now on. You see, I was just born and raised in America. I did go to the 1st-3rd grade here in Japan, but then I went back to the U.S.

My dad and I moved to Japan because... Well my mom just died a couple of months of ago. She comitted suicided by shooting herself.... I still can't get over the loss...especially because of my dad... Anyways we moved here to Japan in hopes for a new start. Plus I got a full scholarship to this High School called Ouran High School. Apparently they're one of the best private schools here in Japn and only the 'rich and famous' are able to attend because of how costly it is.

Just peachy. Now I'm going to be the only student who's not all high class and stuff like that.

We finally found a cab that drove us to our new apartment complex. It was a nice two bedroom apatment. It wasn't too small for us, just the right size. I unpacked my things until it got dark and went to check in with my dad.

I walked down the hall, pass the living room, and knocked on his door, "Dad?"

"What?" his intimidating voice boomed throughout the apartment.

"I... Ummm.... Finished packing most of my stuff...."

"Ad what about my stuff?" he asked.

I gulped silently. Ever since my mom died I've taken her place doing all the chores and cooking, cleaning and doing everything for my dad... along with a few other roles I wish she didn't leave behind for me to take over, "I'll do that right now..." I said and made my way over to his boxes of unopened clothes. I sighed out loud and got to work.

| | | The Next Day | | |




I groaned out loud and finally found the button to shut my alarm clock off. I rubbed my eyes repeatedly, trying to wake myself up more. I stayed up until 2:30 to finish unpacking all of my dad's things and I haven't even finished unpacking the rest of my things. Not to mention I have school today even though I just got here yesterday! But nooooo, my dad doesn't want me to miss more school than I already have.

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