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Next day
Robin's POV
We were all sitting in the living room enjoying the afternoon until the crime alert went off. I looked at the alert displayed on the screen and it this guy wore and white suit, blue skin, red eyes and black hair styled in two horns. He was destroying the town yelling for Phantom."Danny who is that guy?" I asked."My arch-nemesis Vlad Plasmius. He is the other evil halfa." Danny answered."I'm the only one who can beat him." He added as he looked me dead in the eye."But those people will just find you again. I don't won't to lose you again." I said."Don't worry I have you and your whole team and my family behind me." He said with a smile.

"Sam, Dani, Rose. You wanted action...and now we have." He said  as he pointed to the screen."What does he want now?!" Dani shouted."Me apparently." He then smirked."I'm Going Ghost." He said as he transformed into Danny Phantom."Ok lets go!!" I said and the whole team followed us to Jump City."Okay this guy isn't someone to mess with. He'll do literally anything just to get what he wants." Danny said as we hid in a hiding spot.

"He had his powers for more than 20 years so don't judge him. He has quite a lot of power." Danny warned us."I'm going in." He said but Sam grabbed his hand."Just be careful." She said."I will." He turned invisible and flew out of his hiding spot and in front of Plasmius."Hey Plasmius. How long has it been? A week? Two weeks? Three Months?!" Danny said as he made himself visible."Daniel!!! So good to see you again. Where have you been again?" Plasmius said."Oh. Man your getting old, old man. Did you lose your memory, because I remember you exposing my secret to my class and making Jack and Maddie experiment on me and my family." He said as he shot a green ball of energy to him.

Danny's POV
I shot a ecto blast at Vlad but he just pulled out his pink shield."Daniel, your King of The Ghost Zone and you still use that lower powers off yours?" He said."Oh you want power then come and get it!!" I said as I made a iced ecto blast and he pulled his shield out again but the shield cracked and the blast hit him square in his chest making him crash into a car."Finally a fight that his worth my energy." He said as he cloned himself into five. I closed my eyes and focused on separating my core into five and did successfully.

"Ahh, the boy finally learned how to clone himself." He said. I know it's the second time I used it but hey, who cares it worked. I saw Samsara floating behind Vlad as she used her powers to grow plants that tangled around all the Vlads tying him up good so that he can't use his powers."Thanks Sam." I said as she descends down making all the vines following her. I grabbed the real Plasmius by his collor and brought him closer to my face."Ok Plasmius start talking! What do you want?!" I growled at him."You know very well what I want Daniel." He said."Well you can have her. I don't care anymore." I said referring to Maddie."Why the sudden change, Daniel?"

"Maddie isn't my real mother plus she's a she-devil like Pandora said." I said to her and he lifts up his eyebrow."So your saying your not Jack and Maddie's son?" He asked."No I'm saying that I climbed on a pink fluffy unicorn and flew off to magical fairy land. Of course I'm saying that! Also why is Jack and Maddie after me and not you?! Your secret got exposed aswell." I said and he just smirked."I might've paid them to keep, especially Jack's blabbering mouth, shut or I did something else."He said as he got free and disappeared in thin air.

"Dude, what was that all about?!" Beast Boy shouted."Nothing." I said and we all went back to the Tower."That's why Vlad wasn't experimented on because of a stupid bribe!" Sam yelled as she sats down on the couch."This actually bad!" I said."Why? What's wrong?" Cyborg asked."Jack and Maddie is getting money from him to keep their traps shut and with all that money they can get better equipment to capture us!" I said as I fell on the couch burying my face into the cushions."Yeah but our technology is just as powerful as any government facility." Robin said.

"Oh from what century? Jack and Maddie can build anything out of scrap and make it powerful." I said as I lift up my head."Relax. This time we are not alone. We have a whole team of superheroes with us plus Tucker and Valarie. They are out numbered." Dani said."Yeah I guess your right, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to be vigilant." I said as I sat up straight.

I saw Beast Boy smirking out of the corner of my eye."Beasty why are you smirking?" Cyborg asked."Because I want to challenge Danny, The Ghost Boy over here in a video game battle!" He said and I smirked."You wanna try and beat the King of video games?" I said and Beast Boy's eyes widen."Are you that GOOD?" He asked."Of course I am just ask Sam." I said."Trust me you will see your butt without a mirror." She said with a smirk.

Cyborg gave me a controller and switched on the console and tv as they put in Most Wanted in the console. I smirked. I kicked Tucker's butt every time when we played this game and he is a techno-geek."Ready...set...GO!" The deep voice on the screen said as I drove my white and black Mustang against his green Dodge."Go Daddy!" Dani yelled."Come on. Beasty kick his ecto butt!" Cyborg yelled."Come on Danny!!" Rose and Robin yelled and a few minutes later I won with him just losing by one sec."AWW MAN YOU BEAT ME!" He shouted."Told ya so." Sam said.

I sighed."What's wrong?" Rose asked."I miss Tucker's enthusiasm when we played video games."

"Don't worry. I have a feeling we will see them again."

After we all ate dinner, showered and went to bed but that didn't last long for me.
Danny's dream
I was in a GIW lab but it was only me. I was tied up with my hands tied above my head as I hang from a ceiling with a gag in my mouth. Jack, Maddie, Agent K & O came in. They all punched or kicked me in sensitive places and I screamed in pain."Stop screaming!! You can't feel pain!!" Maddie shouted as she punched my in my my throat."P-Please stop. I-I'm b-b-begging y-you." I gasped out but only getting more punches, more screaming and more wounds and pain.

An hour later, the punching ended. I could finally just catch my breath. They were on their break. They sat a few feet away from me, eating Jelly and Jam sandwiches with a bottle of water."So what do you think we are going to use next on him?" Jack asked."Electricity?" K said."Got old." Maddie said."Blood Blossoms?" O asked and I began to struggle but they only laughed."We can't use Blood Blossoms since we need him "alive"." Maddie said putting air quotes on alive."I know. What about we make a chain whip and hook a few car batteries on it and hit him with it?" Maddie added."Let's do it!" Jack yelled.

They ran out and came back in with five car batteries and a whip with a chain on it. They took a long cord and tied the isolated part of the wire and tied the copper wire to the bottom of the chain right above the handel of the whip. The other end was tied to all of the batteries. When everything was connected and ready for me to get a really bad beating. They tested it on a rat and rat instantly died. They slowly walked to me arguing who to go first. Jack pulled out a coin and he and Maddie did a coin toss. Maddie won. The Agent K & O went and K won. Now they did a coin toss between Maddie and Agent K.

"Heads or Tails?" Jack asked as he got the coin ready on his hand.
"Heads." Maddie said.
"Tails." Agent K said.

Jack flipped the coin and I watched as it went up in the air in slow motion for me. The coin almost hit the roof but it came back down again. It landed in Jack's palm and he switched it over on his arm. He lifted up his arm revealing to be..."Heads." He said and Maddie took the whip from Agent O and smirked. She smashed it once on the floor and then in my side. It felt horrible. I screamed and the more and more I screamed the harder she whips me. Then Agent K grabbed it from her after half an hour. He beated me on my back and arms for fifteen minutes same with O. Then it was Jack's turn. He smirked evilly and whipped my face and throat. At that moment I went silent. The whip slashed my throat through my voice box."Finally. He shuts up." He said as everyone else laughed at his comment.

My blood was splattered on all of their white suits and the white wall that is now decorated with my green and red specked blood. My clothes was ripped up so bad that the clothes fell of from my body. My eyes started to tear which I was fighting to hold back but now I couldn't."Aww, look his crying." Maddie mocked me. I don't know how but I managed to use my Ghostly Wail screaming "you!!!" As the strain on me breaks and everything shot back."Will pay!!" As I stopped using it. The forest came in view and no one was standing except me."I killed them." I gasped out. They may have done terrible things but they don't deserve death at least not from me.

Danny Phantom and Teen Titans Sequel to Danny Phantom:Field Trip Mayhem.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon