Part 42

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Part – 42

"Madhu, I am leaving now. I will come and see Sofia later when she's shifted to the private ward." Rk said holding Ruhi protectively as she slept on his shoulder.

"No, wait. You can see her and the baby in another half hour..."

"I know...but let her take rest. I will see her later. Now, I will take Ruhi with me?" He asked.

"Hmm, okay. It's not good for her to stay in hospital atmosphere for long. You take her now and I will come and get her this evening..." She said and hesitated to add further.


"Will you have dinner with us, tonight?" She asked and bit her lower lips.

"Okay" he agreed though he didn't sound thrilled. Before and all he would persuade her to go out with him and have dinner. If not he would at least cook her favorite dishes at home and surprise her but she wouldn't react much. The tide has changed! She thought.

Madhu stepped closer to him and kissed Ruhi's head, standing on her tip-toe.

"Take care of her" she said with a smile"

"I will" he didn't return her smile. He was distracted.

"Chief, I will come with you" Bittuji said and followed Rk.

"Chief?" Bittuji called once he revved the car out of the parking lot. Rk didn't respond.

"Chief?" Bittuji called again little louder this time.

"What?" Rk asked, quickly turning his head to check on his daughter sitting on her car seat. He sighed in relief when he found her still sleeping and buckled securely.

"Are you alright?" Bittuji asked in concern.

"Yeah" Rk mumbled, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

"No, you are not alright. Something is bothering you. Tell me, Chief?"

"You are bothering me. Will you shut your big mouth and let me sleep for few minutes?" Rk asked too sweetly.

"Chief, why are distancing yourself from your family?"

"Family? I don't have a family. I only have Ruhi and she is my everything"

"Chief, you have me, Madhu bhabhi..." Rk glared at him for calling her 'bhabhi' again. "Sorry. You have all of us"

"I thought so too but its just a thought..." Rk exhaled and looked outside the window.

"Are you mad at Sofia for keeping her relationship with Vihaan a secret from you?"

"I am not mad at her. I am... slightly hurt, the feeling I am getting closely associated with, lately" he said with a humorless chuckle.

"She is like a little sister I never had, Bittuji"

"I understand. She should have told about Vihaan to you..."

"I don't care about Vihaan or their relationship. It's their personal. Even I haven't shared much of my personal life with her so I have no right to feel bad..."


"One day she came and asked me 'Brother, if you don't mind can you come with me to the hospital to do the ultrasound and see my baby? I don't have anyone and I would like to have you...' and from that time I was with her for all the scanning sessions and check-ups. I took her walking whenever I found time. I even cooked at midnight once when she said she was hungry and her baby wasn't letting her to sleep but today she didn't even think of informing me. She wanted Vihaan to be with her while giving birth... It feels like she completely forgot me..." he barely let out the words. "I so wanted to see the baby"

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