Part 41

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Part – 41

"Papa, up" Ruhi tapped his cheek with her palm. "Papa, get up" she scratched his cheek with her finger nails.

"Baby, please let papa sleep" Rk groaned. "You too sleep" he pressed Ruhi's little frame to his chest and patted her back, lulling her to sleep.

Ruhi closed her eyes and tried to sleep but she couldn't. She wanted to play so she wiggled out of her daddy's hold and carefully sneaked out of the bed.

She searched for her Barbie doll makeup kit everywhere in the apartment and finally found it under the bed. She easily crawled in and dragged out her makeup kit.

She hugged her doll makeup kit closer to her chest and bounced on the floor, gleefully. She spread out all her makeup items on the floor from the bag and looked around for her doll but poor baby couldn't find it.

"My doll?" Ruhi's eyes well up when she couldn't find her doll after searching the entire house twice. "Papa, you saw my doll?" Ruhi asked, sitting on top of his body and opening his closed eyes with her fingers.

"Papa, my doll" Ruhi cried. "I want to comb my doll"

"I will get you a new doll, Ruhi. Let me sleep now." Rk pleaded barely opening his sleepy eyes.

"I want to comb..."

"Comb my hair" he offered. Ruhi frowned before bunching her daddy's hair in her small fist. She liked his pin straight silky hair so she decided to comb him. She got off him and jumped down from the bed nearly giving a heart attack to her daddy. "Ruhi! Careful"

Ruhi helped herself to stand up on her feet with all hands and legs and then turned around to her daddy. "Cool, papa" she cutely blinked her eyes.

"Oh meri jaan!" Rk pulled Ruhi to him and kissed her cheeks. "Don't jump like that. You will get hurt"

"Okie, papa. Now you sleep. I want to comb your hair" she ordered.

"Ahaan!" He grinned and let her go. She quickly picked up all the makeup items she had spread on the floor and put them back into her bag. Rk frowned when she zipped her makeup bag.

Isn't she going to comb my hair? He wondered with a frown. Ruhi dragged her bag and walked around the bed. Then she threw her bag on the bed and holding the mattress, she climbed up on the bed as if she was climbing a mountain.

Rk watched her slowly unzip her bag and dig her hand into it and take out her makeup items one by one and spread them on the bed.

"Papa, ready?" Ruhi asked taking her small comb in her hand.

"Yes, madame"

"Come here and sleep" Ruhi asked her daddy to place his head on her lap and sleep so that she can comb his hair.

"No, sweetheart, you legs will pain. You sit on me and comb my hair" he hoisted her up and placed her bum on his torso. Ruhi scooted closer and almost strangled his neck with her legs. Rk lifted her legs off his neck and placed them on either side of his neck.

"Now, sleep" she closed his eyes with her palms and waited for few seconds for him to sleep. Though Rk lost his sleep he pretended to be asleep for his daughter.

Ruhi kept combing his hair backwards till Rk went back to deep sleep. Then she took a blushing pink crayon lipstick in her hand and sketched it over Rk's lips. She had seen her momma paint her lips so she knew how to use a lipstick. Rk turned his face and rubbed his lips with the back of his hand smudging the lip crayon.

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