Taehyung #27

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Part 2 for your brother finds out your dating a member. You text your boyfriend telling them that your brother knows.

You: How did you get Jungkook so onboard on us dating?

TaeTae: What do you mean?

You: You know how overprotective he is, so why is he okay with it all?

TaeTae: I sat down and talked with him, I explained everything and he said if I hurt you in anyway he would hurt me in more ways. When he saw how happy we made each other he was fine by the idea.

You: Oh okay, thank you

TaeTae: It's okay.

TaeTae: I'm near the dorms now

You: Well hurry up because me and Kookie are having an Overwatch tournament.

TaeTae: Hella yeah! Wait for me

You: Okay

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