Adopted by McBusted

Start from the beginning

I can't believe it. This is mental.

"And if you come up here, you can meet her!" I hear a voice coming from the stairs. The other care worker. They are both new and since I spend so much time in my room I've never had to learn their names.

There is a knock on my already wide open door and a ginger head pops round the side.

"Mind if we come in?" she asks and I nod, still barely able of speech.

She steps into my room followed by a couple in their late twenties. The man is slightly taller than the woman, and they both have brunette hair. The man's is spiked up with gel and the woman's falls gently on her shoulders, almost straight. She is slender and thin, wearing a white floral top and denim shorts, but he has large arm muscles as well as defined legs, which I can see through his tank top and knee length shorts.

"This is Harry and Izzy Judd. Harry and Izzy, this is Melody." she says and Harry and Izzy smile at me.

"Nice to meet you Melody, how are you?" Izzy asks, and I almost panic. I don't think I've been asked that question in months.

"I-I'm good thank you," I manage to get out. Smooth, Melody, smooth.

"Well, erm," Harry starts, scratching the back of his neck, "would you maybe want to be adopted?"

I don't know what to say. I mean, if course I want to be adopted, I don't want to be stuck here anymore, but it is almost scary. Going home with someone you've known for 10 minutes is scary. But I have always wanted to be adopted, ever since... Let's not go there.

"Yeah I would," I finally manage to stumble out.

They smile at me and I look to the care workers for assistance.

"Well there's not actually that much to do," the red-headed care worker says, "we've had your forms sorted for a long time Melody, so I just need some signatures and we are good to go! Do you want to pack and we will meet you downstairs?"

I nod and the four exit the room. They all have smiles plastered across their faces and Harry gives me a wink before leaving.

This is unreal. Why do they want a teenager? They only look about 10 years older than me!

I grab my black suitcase and lay it on my bed. I carefully fold what few clothes I have and put them in the bag. I then put in my makeup and hair stuff, followed by one pair of shoes, as I am wearing the others. Finally I throw in a couple of books and a few sentimental possessions I have. I am about to zip it shut, but quickly grab my poster from the wall. It's back to the future, my favourite film. I carefully roll it up and slide it into my suitcase before zipping it shut. I pull on my black hoodie before making my way downstairs with my suitcase.

There Harry and Izzy are stood with smiles on their faces.

"I'll take that for you," Harry says, lifting my bag up and taking it outside.

"You ready to go then?" Izzy asks and I nod, taking one last look at the care home which has been my 'home' for ten years. I say home, but it never really felt like it.

Some of the care workers come to give me a hug good bye, but very soon I am sat in the back of the black range rover that was parked outside.

"So Melody, tell us about yourself!" Harry says, not taking his eyes off the road.

"Well I'm Melody Longed, I'm sixteen, in a week, I've been in that care home 10 years and I don't really know what else to say," I say.

"Well, firstly, quick correction, your Melody Judd now, and just tell us what your favourite things are. You know, film, food, band, book, etc," Izzy responds. Melody Judd, I'm going to have to get used to that.

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