Side Stories

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"The wife of the celebrator Mr. Jitaelela, named Anna, is seen dead on one of the bathrooms of the XXhotel where the birthday reception is taking place... ...Mr. Jitaelela doesn't want to meet the media as he's mourning for the death of his wife ... ... Is it murder or is it really an accident ?"

sigh I turned off the TV and just lied on my bed instead, I'm bored. I heard my father will hire a butler for me and will be here any minute now. It's still early in the morning and we don't have class cause it's sunday and i can't even get out cause it's raining. I rolled my eyes and just take a nap again.

knock knock

I woke up hearing the loud sound of the knocking, i think it's my Dad cause he's the only one that will knock on my door like that. 'my butler is here already?' i thought and i hope he's good looking and cool, I'm quite fan of a butler having a secret relationship of the master, me. I hurriedly get up in my bed and went to open my door.

I raised my head and my smiling face awhile ago froze. 'fudging handsome!' I hastily close the door again and screamed silently while covering my mouth. What i saw is a handsome butler in his uniform! and those smile.. i'm melting!

knock knock

I then heard again so i cleared my throat and acted cool and opened the door. I even raise my brow and cross my arms acting like a boss and ask "who are you?" , "hello, I'm Nan, your new butler from now on" he smiled and bowed a little introducing himself. And then I heard a laughter from the hallway.

I saw my dad looking while walking towards us, "You're finally here Miss Nan, welcome to our home" wait what.. Miss !? I abruptly look at the new butler and saw her smiling at my dad and say "thank you Sir, it's good to be here".

"WHAT!? YOU'RE A GIRL?!" I shouted when it registered in my mind and Nan just tilted her head a little to the side and said "yes, i am" looking at me like i'm some kind of weird existence . "then what will happen to my dream now!?" I suddenly refuted as I act like i just lost something I shouldn't have... why... my dream just crushed in front of me huhu

"are you okay?" I heard her say that and my father is also looking at me like he's amuse to see me like this. I glared to this Nan and storm to my room and lock it. What about my secret relationship now! Do i really need to be single now... huhuhu

- - -


"Bro, do you think i can get a girlfriend?" I asked my brother P'Van but he just look at me from head to toe, this guy is rude .. he didn't answer and just continue drinking his smoothie. We have a cafe, that's what our parents business are so we also help during weekends or the time we don't have class, and were having a little break now and there's not much customer around anyway for it's raining outside.

I then ask again "Bro, do you think you can have a girlfriend?" and he just glared at me and said "of course I am! who do you think your brother is !" and he continued drinking. I'm about to ask something again when our mother called out for us to help now. And yeah we did.

I'm carrying a tray with a juice in it, I wasn't looking cause I'm looking at my brother who's talking to me. I then bump to someone. "ah sorry!" I said and luckily the juice didn't fall off, I sighed in relief. but the things the lady is carrying scattered on the ground and she's already crouching to pick it up.

I placed the tray in a table near us and help her pick the papers that scattered while still apologizing . "It's okay.." I then heard her say when we already pick up all the scattered papers. When I handed and look at her, we both are shock and said at the same time "Jane?" "Zee?"!

The girl in front of me is my high school crush and i already know that she's in the university i'm in but i only look at her from afar. but wait... "How did you know my name?" I suddenly ask because I never talk to her and never we become a classmate ..."The same for you.." she suddenly said as her face turned cute...


I suddenly heard a coughed from behind so we both look down as I handed the papers to her and we both stand up as I glared at my brother who just ruined the mood And Jane already went to one of the tables far from me.

"You just ruined my happy time!" I said in a whispered tone and he answered "the customers have been looking the both of you , you know" he also said in a whisper and when I look around, the customers aren't even looking! "You!" I just heard him laugh and walk out to give the orders. I hate this brother of mine! But my mother look at me so i turned to an angel and pick up the tray i placed in the table to give it to the customer.

When I see my brother coming, I used my feet to trip him and yeah! success !!.

And so the start of our sibling fight started.

- - -


I'm still at the basketball court seated at the bench for i'm still resting from practicing the whole time. I jolted when i felt a something cold touch my leg. I abruptly turned around and saw that it was one of the girls I rejected. "here..." she said and give me the bottled water. "uhmm... thanks" I said and also open it to drink, she then also wipe the sweat on my face.. "I can do it on my own... " I said to her but she just smiled at me not stopping.

When she finished i asked her "I already rejected you.. but why are you still nice to me" she just smiled and said "what's up with that? if i get rejected, i'll just make you love me instead right? and if you still can't but find someone else instead, i'll give up, but not when you still haven't " ..."you're weird..."

"why? are you falling for me now?" she said with a laugh, I look away not daring to answer her...

"let's bet, if you fall for me, you'll marry me, but if not, i'll make you marry me"

"huh?" I think i just heard a rather unfair bet

"that's a deal then! bye bye"... wait what? she just leave after that. and why is she even here when it's raining outside!?

- - -


I was fighting with my twin brother when i suddenly bumped to someone... I got scared because it's a gay! and why !? "Hello, I'm Puey" He suddenly said and I heard my twin just giggled and even ran away from my spot. "h-hello" I answered as he just started clinging on me . I took off his arms around me as I run away to the counter.

After some time, I already decided to come out and when i did, I saw him waved at me and my twin was there grinning while looking at me. I'll kill him for sure as i glared at him. inhales.

I decided just to go with my business smile as I went to there place but i got pulled by the so called Puey and seated next to him and my twin just holds his laugh at me. The so called Puey then started to chat while I just smiled but i think my veins are starting to pop out of my head, why of all people i need to encounter this kind of person!

I then heard the door opened so I look to welcome the customers as i just stand up and bowed not minding that Puey. "Welcome" I said and saw that it was a pretty girl and Puey just said "Oh, Ella you're finally here"

van : 'and that's the mark of our love story'

zee : 'it isn't'

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