The Transfer Student

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whoosh ~

Splashes of water as the sea waves like wanting to reach their place, as Pie was sitting on the sand with someone. They're now at the beach at night time as the stars at the sky twinkling brightly and the moon is the one who lights up the surrounding area.

Waves of water and sound made by the insects are the only thing they can hear right now as it peaceful like it seems, she's having a serene moment with the guy beside her as she lay her head on his shoulder. She wants to stay like this for awhile as she closed her eyes she heard someone called out to her.


"Miss Pie..."

She groaned as she look at who it was and uttered "I'm having a nice dream here" , but because she just got woken up her eyes is not that clear as she rubbed it and when she saw who it was she sits straightly and fixed her posture.

"Is it really good to sleep during my class, Miss Pie ? Should I also sleep when checking your exams, projects or assignments to have a nice dream?" said her professor with her unkind tone.

Pie then survey her surroundings and saw that everyone is giggling , whispering while looking at her so she looked down shyly as her face heated up. "I'm sorry Ma'am" she said not daring to look up.

"Even if you're the heiress of a large company, in school, we're the law. Your actions might be tolerated by the others but in front of me you're only a student. If I caught you sleeping again, i'll fail you in this subject. understood Miss Pie?" said the smiling but not smiling professor as the book in her hands slammed on Pie's desk and made a loud sound.


Some of them, like Pie, jolted from the sound as the whispering earlier also stopped. "Yes Ma'am" she answered in a whispered tone.

"Good" said the professor as she fix her glasses and picked up the book as she made her way to the platform for Pie is sitting at the middle part of the room. The professor cleared her throat and looked at them and said in a loud voice "Like i said earlier, we have a new student in this class" the prof turned her head to face the door. "You may enter now Mr. Kimhan" she said kindly while wearing a little smile on her face.

The students who are curious then look what the transfer student looks like and when he entered, some girls let out a gasped of surprise while some whispers to each other , and some guys let out a frown for the one who entered is a good looking young man in his uniform carrying only a notebook in his hands. The transfer student then also made his way to the platform while the students observes him.

He bowed slightly to the prof when he's already at the platform as he then turned around to face his classmate. He scan the surrounding and there's not a lot of students inside as he then cleared his throat to get the attention before he smiled slightly and introduce himself "Hello! I'm Kimhan, I'm a girl..." as he then glance to them to see their reactions. Others was surprised by what he said while leaving some of them drop their jaws and just staring at him wanting to hear what he's about to say.

Seeing their reactions made him smile widely as he then added "Well I prefer if you call me Kim and use the term 'he' when describing or talking to me, and I'm also a working student. " Some of the girls nodded while smiling while leaving the others still speechless ."Nice to meet you , please be good to me! " he then bowed

Pie wasn't looking and not even listening just frowning at the pen she's playing in her hands, she wants to remember the guy in her dreams 'who might that be?' that's what she's thinking for she doesn't even have a boyfriend, only a lot of admirers and suitors. Just then she notice that someone is at the platform with the professor so she just take a glance and continue to think.

"You may then take your sit from any of the vacant chair Mr. Kim" said the prof kindly to him and Kim nodded and said"Thank you Madame" which the prof only smiled as Kim walk towards the back while some of the girls called out for him to sit beside them but he politely rejected as he made his way to the corner table near the window which doesn't have anyone even in the neighboring chairs.

The ladies seated in front of his greeted him when he was taking a sit as he then greeted them back which made them screamed silently with each other. He then look at the prof who just nodded at him when he's already seated and she continued her lecture after that.

Pie looked at the transfer student when he's walking and studied his features but lost interest for she have enough of the good looking guys. She then turned to look in front only to see that the supposed to be strict prof that was smiling kindly at the transfer student. She raise her brow but decided to just ignore it and took her phone from her bag as she hide it under the table and message her friend to save her a seat after this class.

The class continued while others giggling with each other and taking a look at Pie or Kim when the prof isn't looking. Pie was listening attentively (faking it) for she doesn't want to fail for this prof of hers are really not afraid of her background. Kim on the other hand was just looking outside the window, cupping his head using his right hand that was rested on the table. For he already know this stuff that is being taught and wasn't scolded of how he acts.

When the class finished some girls went to Kim and introduced themselves and some is hesitant so they just envy those who can, and went to their next classes. When Kim was left alone he only then went after the clients' daughter. The client give the schedule of his daughter to him so he knows where to go but sometimes ask for direction if he can't find it . The school is for all those upper class family and only few mid class and even fewer for the lower class so it's big and spacious as the room also have many vacant seats because of it.

Kim only stayed outside the room where Pie is at after checking if she was there, for he didn't enroll all of Pie's subj. and only choose the morning and afternoon/evening classes of Pie. He then seated like that of meditating while leaning on the wall , head slightly bent downward, as he sleeps but still conscious at his surrounding.

Some student passed by hurriedly and some are taking there time to chitchat in the hallway. Others recognize him but didn't wake him up and just whispered to themselves as they walk, He's not the only one sitting at the hallway so he doesn't standout much.

He just got back here yesterday and went straight to the client as he was hired only to protect his daughter from any harm but only to stay in the shadows and not be known by her. He's still hadn't got any wink of sleep as he fix his documents required for the transfer using his fathers connections...

Kim didn't notice that he already have fallen asleep as he dreamed of his past....

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