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Kim got woken up by the sound of the door being opened as the steps of the students that is either heavy or light as they stomp their feet on the floor as they walk, can be heard. Some of the students are chatting while other's just hurriedly walk.He waited patiently still sitting on the dround till he saw the silhouette of the lady he's going to protect.

A petite girl who's height is like that of a high school student rather than a university one but there's a bewitching atmosphere around her that magnets your attention. When you take a look, you just can't take your eyes off her when you only intend to look for a second. Kim's already used seeing ladies that are more prettier than her but he still got shaken by it. Her hair is tied up in a bun but still some of her hair already fall down on her shoulder. Even if it's messy, it adds more to her charm.

The ladies's name is Pie Manaying , daughter of one of the best business man out there. Their company makes loads of money every year for they also have business partners outside the country.

He's looking at her, but her back is the one facing him right now because she's talking to someone so he really did't see her face that clear, he then traced her body out for it's kind of sexy and he even gulped looking at it. He then raised his brow as he realized that he's acting like a pervert right now and just shook his head to erase the thought he had just now.

He jolted in surprise as he look to his side for there's someone suddenly speak to his ear. "She's pretty, isn't it ?" the guy said. Their face is near each other and if one of them got pushed they'll kiss, and yeah someone really did something to the guys' butt that was raised like he's taking a dump. That someone made both his hands formed like a gun and then he jabbed it to the butt of the guy who's squatting and that made the guy lost his balance.

Kim avoided the face that was about to kiss him in reflex as the guy's face ended up in the wall and they heard a banged sound. The one who jabbed the butt laughed like crazy without stopping, and of course the others who saw that also giggled and some just laugh even if they didn't know what just happened.

Pie also diverted her attention from Mike as she also look to where the commotion was. The guy still laughing and already holding his stomach, as the guy who got pushed also stands up while hiding his nose using his left hand and said angrily "ZEE!!!!!"

The guy called Zee also stopped laughing out loud but seeing the face of the guy he jabbed he hold his laugh, for the guys nose already have some blood in it and the guys distorted face really looks funny so Kim just look away for him not to also laugh at the misfortune of someone but he can't help it so he just bite his lower lips and left out a pfffft sound.


Pie still looking even if she didn't saw what happened, the crowed is talking about it so she grasped the situation and also giggled when she saw the face of one of her suitors , P'Van as she hid her smile in her hand. But her attention shifted to the guy beside him as she saw him hold his laugh but still giggled in the end she just stared at the scene blankly.


Noticing that there's already people around and more are coming towards them P'Van used his other hand to pull the ear of Zee who's still laughing as he then stop "ok ! ok ! i'll stop ! don't pull ouch! hey i can walk! let go already " complained Zee while P'Van is walking and pulling Zee who's hands are holding and smacking P'Vans arm

"Yo! transfer student help me out of here ! " called Zee while looking at Kim with those teary eyes. Kim doesn't really intends to help but when Zee called out for him he can only comply and sigh for the crowd that wasn't paying attention to him now is looking at him.


Pie was still staring blankly when someone tapped at her shoulder and said "Let's go now, why are you still looking at those troublemakers? they're already gone" said Mike, just then did pie realize that she's just the only one there now for the crowd disperse already.

"Ah, I was only thinking of what to eat right now , lets go then" as Pie hook her arms around Mike's arm. Well , Mike's considered as her fake boyfriend if there are people around them to shoo away her suitors, of course. It's lunch time already so they went to cafeteria, meeting up with their group of friends.


Kim was seating in front of the two who called themselves as Zee and P'Van. They're at the cafeteria seated outside as the tray of foods are at their table. Kim got pulled by Zee when P'Van is fighting with him or rather 'her'.

Zee was also a girl that's on T to look manly and her voice also turned to one. P'Van on the other hand was Zee's twin brother although they don't look alike...anyway they're brother's.

P'Van already got his nose treated awhile ago at the nurse's office when they dragged Kim and now they dragged him again to eat. The twins already stop fighting and talks about other stuffs instead.

"Why did you transfer? Did you get bullied in your school ?" asked Zee who's chewing her food looking at Kim who already gulped down his food for about 2-3 minutes..

"No, I'm just required to be here to work" answered honestly of Kim , as his arms are rested in the table in which the tray already pushed away to a vacant area in the table.

"Ah you did mention that you're a working student in your intro this morning" said P'Van after he gulped down the food in his mouth.

"Yes" smiled Kim to them

"Must be sucks then, working around this whole campus" said Zee as she look at Kim with pity eyes while chewing . Kim didn't correct them for what they're thinking for he really works around the campus and also applied to work here to get an extra income even if he's already rich, for him a money is still a money.

"Do you like Pie?" asked P'Van who stopped eating and just stare at Kim, while Zee is eating fast but almost choke when she heard the question so she hurriedly reach a can of soda.

"No, Why?" answered Kim

"I caught you staring at her" said P'Van who continued eating after saying that.

"I just appreciated the beauty" said Kim

"you're weird... everyone likes Pie around here even some of the girls admire and even considered her as a princess" said Zee as she look at Kim like she saw an alien

"If you get older, you'll know about it then that" mysteriously said by Kim

"You sound like an old guy! You're just our age don't act like that, it creeps me out " said Zee as she acted like shivering in which P'Van and Kim laugh silly at her reaction. Well Kim is really older than them as he remembered that his brother is the same age as this two he smiled.

He doesn't know what his brother's name is for he is not there when the brother was born he doesn't even remember what his own name nor the faces of his parents and their names. The twins are arguing in front of him but he can't hear a thing for his mind are replaying the distance past.

Totally OppositeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora