Chapter 4

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The boy I knocked over was handsome. Tall, dark, mysterious. He had dark hair and black eyes that held no warmth. He was staring at me. " God, could this guy be any more creepy" I thought. Sure he was handsome but you don't just keep on staring at somebody. As I looked back at him he looked behind me as if there was somebody behind me. I looked over my shoulder, there was nothing there. The boy face turned pale and he looked at me as if I was dirt beneath his feet. " Okaay. What's his damage? I thought. Then he straightened.

" Hello my name is Tom" he stuck out his hand. " Aurelia" I replied and took his hand. "What is a young woman doing out here by herself?". Tom said.
Well, he finally found his manners.
" I am looking for my sister, who apparently went out of the house when I told her to stay home" I said .
"I'll help you look" Tom said.
"No, thank you. I can do it myself".
Tom narrowed his eyes and told me it wasn't a request.

The sun was setting and it was starting to get cooler. As we walked in silence I noticed in the corner of my eye Tom stealing glances. Great, more staring.

"What? Is there something on my face"? I asked.

"No" Tom said.

"Then why are you looking at me"? I replied.

"I was not looking at you"

"I just saw you"

"You saw wrong" Tom said rudely

"I don't like liars"

And I don't like stupid muggle girls who think they are superior to me.

I glared at him. Okaaay. I don't know what the heck a muggle is but it sounded rude.

After a few minutes, he stiffly apologized. What? Does he not know how to apologize?

"You're forgiven" I said. 

As we neared the end of a street we saw a large crowd gathering near a statue situated in front of  a park. People were cheering and applauding. In the corner of my eye I saw Tom grip something long and sticklike but before I could get a good look,  I heard gunshots. People were screaming and running away.  The crowd pressed against me, squishing me between several people. Someone stepped on my foot, another person shoved me so hard I lost my balance and fell. Then Tom's pale white hand grabbed my own and lifted me to my feet. We ran forward trying to escape the crowd. I swear I saw Diana in the crowd but In the chaos I quickly lost her.
  When we rounded the corner. I fell to my knees gasping.

"What was that? I asked. 

I don't know. Tom replied. But I'm taking you home.

"What? No! I have to find my sister."

" Trust me. it's getting dark, your sister is already home. "

" How would you know? You don't know my sister" I argued.

" I know enough to know your acting like a brat. He snarled.  Now I'll walk you home". He took a step toward me.

I backed away.  " You know what? I don't care! I've had enough of you. You sit there and pretend like you know me but you don't. I'll walk the rest of the way by myself. I don't need you or your attitude! I yelled.

I turned around and stormed away from him. Stupid jerk. One minute he's helping me and being really sweet, then the next he's ordering me around like I'm dirt beneath his shoes. I swear he's Bipolar.
By the time I get home it's like pitch black outside. I walk in the house and sit down on the couch. I call mom several times but she doesn't answer. She should've been home hours ago. I turn on the tv and start watching the local news. The news anchor said the gunshots near the park were committed by a teenager who got into an argument with someone. Thankfully he was quickly apprehended by a nearby police officer and no one was hurt. I must have dozed off because I wake to the sound of the front door slamming.
" mom? I ask.
Nope. It's my sister.
" Diana,Where have you been? I ask. I've looked for you everywhere. You've been gone for hours. I said you couldn't go out today. "
"Sorry. I was wandering around near the park when the gunshots went off."
So I did see her.
"Why didn't you go home?" I ask.
"I got pushed through the crowd and got lost. I wandered around a bit trying to find my way but it looks different at night. "
" Well, how did you get home? "
"A boy named Tom helped me" we walked home together while he rudely lectured me about respecting my sister, following rules, yada yada. It was boring and very unnecessary. "
Suddenly I feel very guilty that I yelled at him. He helped Diana get home while I screamed at him. Turns out, I guess I really did need his help.
I make a mental note to thank him next time I see him. Well If I see him. There's no guarantee our paths will cross again.
Dianas voice breaks through my thoughts. "Please don't tell Mom I didn't listen to you. She'll never trust me again".
I hesitate. Should I tell mom? Diana didn't listen to me and almost put herself in danger. It can't happen again.
" Alright, but next time you have to listen to me. If it happens  again, I will tell mom. "
"It wont. I promise." Diana says.
Okay. Goodnight Di. I say.
"Goodnight Relia" Diana says then quickly hugs me.

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